Wrapping up 1st grow. opinions?


First off I want to thank everyone on these boards for their help. The information I've found here has been of tremendous help. I'm about a week from harvest, I think, and wanted to show my plant and get some opinions.

This was a DWC grow using a 60w led and a bunch of CFLs in a homebox s. I originally started out with 1 indica and 1 sativa with the expectation of both them dying but helping me learn. To my surprise, they really took off. The sativa completely overgrew the indica and although it's still alive it only produced a couple buds that you can't see in the pics.

I've been watching the trichs with a 30x microscope and most are cloudy now with a couple amber ones showing. I started flushing with plain water today and I'm thinking they'll be ready to harvest in a week. I'd appreciate any opinions. You can also check out my grow journal here: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/244800-1st-grow-dwc-led-cfl.html

Almost forgot. The sativa strain is Greenhouse Seeds Train Wreck. The indica was a free seed, forgot the strain.


mmm that looks good as shit. id give it 1-2 more weeks and then chop that bitch down and cure. good yield bro. nice job on the grow


I thought about trying something like that but how would that work with flushing out the nutes? I'm assuming after a week of flushing with plain water I can't just start adding nutes again and expect it to resume growing. If I cut the big bud now without flushing won't it end up tasting like chemicals?

Illegal Smile

Make sure you are looking at trichs from several different locations on each plant. If you start a 7 day flush when you see an average of 25% amber you should be right on. And just take the harvest all at once and get new plants going!


Active Member
That really whets my appetite man. Congratulations. I'd be a proud papa if my plants look like that in another month or so. Rep for first grow!


I might be a little early on the flush then. I'd guess %15 amber on the main bud with a little less on the smaller ones.

There's only one plant in those pictures. It turned into quite a monster.