Wrong led color stunned growth?


Hi all,

I am a first time grower, and I got a UFO led for my hydroponic system. As I was quite ignorant I ordered the light on 7red:1orange:1blue. Then I found out for vegetative state I actually need more blue instead of red... So my question is, how will the wrong light color affect the plant growth? My babies are in their third week but their growth seems to be stunned after week one... Thanks in advance for all answers!


The growth is stunted because you are using LED's in the first place. Even under the best of circumstances the LED plants look sickly and tiny with very loose and small buds.


Well-Known Member
LEDs are never gonna work good. they just cant put out the light a HPS or MH can. and for 3 times the price, its just not a good idea. all the graphs and info ive seen on LEDS have all been bs. they all make up numbers and words that dont mean anything

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
LEDs are never gonna work good. they just cant put out the light a HPS or MH can. and for 3 times the price, its just not a good idea. all the graphs and info ive seen on LEDS have all been bs. they all make up numbers and words that dont mean anything
Light Emitting Diodes will be there soon. They are making some good advancements in the technology but it is still relatively new. Be expecting smaller LED's that produce way more lumens in the near future. But by then maybe sulpher plasma will have taken over :\


Well-Known Member
Light Emitting Diodes will be there soon. They are making some good advancements in the technology but it is still relatively new. Be expecting smaller LED's that produce way more lumens in the near future. But by then maybe sulpher plasma will have taken over :\
either way, the vast majority of them suck lol


Well-Known Member
I've seen good led grows, quite a few lately. I will agree they are not quite there, but they are closer than your thinking.
It dont matter if you use red or blue spectrum for veg really, I've tried both and it doesnt really make a difference.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
OP you need to do a lot more reading to save yourself money and headaches down the road. From the info you've posted it sure sounds like you don't know too much about lighting. Follow the link in the post above mine. Good luck!