WTF happened to my precious plant?! Please Help.


Hello people of Rollitup !
I am growing an outdoor Jack Herer. it vegged for 3 months had some pests problems nothing too major, sprayed it with soapy water with garlic etc.. a few times with no problems what so ever.
A week ago I found webbings on the lower part on the plant connecting between stems and since I have had some weird spots and holes on my leaves I assumed its spider mites.
it had started flowering 3 days ago and on that day I sprayed her massivly with a mix of garlic pepirment castile soap vinegar canola oil and cinamon.
I came back 3 days later to find her all fucked up with leaves yelloing wilting and dying, with various spots shapes and colors on them. and some stigmas (the white hairs) are brown and this is only first week of flower.
I never had any problems with spraying her so maybe its a nute burn?
I am also starting to think she doesnt have spider mites because I didnt really see any and there are LOTS of spiders and insects where she's at so maybe just typical spider webbings?

Today i sprayed her again and this time rinsed her.
would she be ok? What should I be doing to help her?
Help would be greatly appreciated.
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Well-Known Member
ruled out calcium. if your feeding using water from home there is plenty of calcium in it. and rain water is the same. so i think its rot root dude.


im guessing calcium, best thing to do is used a well known, well rounded set of nutes. I use fox farm, ( for years), and never have these problems. p.s. Do Not Over Feed! farm nutrients
I am using fox farm trio...
ruled out calcium. if your feeding using water from home there is plenty of calcium in it. and rain water is the same. so i think its rot root dude.
oh fuck how bad's the damage?


Well-Known Member
it had started flowering 3 days ago and on that day I sprayed her massivly with a mix of garlic pepirment castile soap vinegar canola oil and cinamon." And there ya go...this is called chemical most likely sprayed it in direct sunlight and or over sprayed too much. It will bounce back, those leaves wont tho.


it had started flowering 3 days ago and on that day I sprayed her massivly with a mix of garlic pepirment castile soap vinegar canola oil and cinamon." And there ya go...this is called chemical most likely sprayed it in direct sunlight and or over sprayed too much. It will bounce back, those leaves wont tho.
This makes sense. will it greatly affect the yeild and product quality?