wtf is it salt?


Ok my main plant is almost 6 months old or so and this is my first real grow so bear with me if this seams like a weird question. But for the last idk week or two round about 3 to 4 hours into her light cycle (she is flowering atm) I find the top or the dirt covered with what looks like fucking seasalt. Its pretty decent sized white lil rock/crystal looking shit. I am using organic fert, cfls (3500), and its a peatmoss/soil mix. But sure as the sun coming up its there everyday, and I don't want it to be something bad. Shit for all I know its coming off the buds from the fan on it? Anyone who knows wtf it is plz tell me, or any ideas what it could be and ill post pics tomarrow.


Well-Known Member
Im not exacly sure what it is but i have something similar on my garden plants its supposed to be a fungus/disease, post a picture of it and il compare it.


buds 039.jpgbuds 050.jpgbuds 038.jpgbuds 037.jpgbuds 048.jpg

well here are some pics of what i am talking about. i mean the plant herself looks rly well no more leaves falling off or anything major, as you can see from the last pic she looks great. but the shit in the first 5 pics that looks to me like salt is what i am talking about. i did a flush yesterday, and today was regular feeding day so i put in her nutes and sure as shit the salt or w/e it was is back like 2 or 3 hours into the light cycle. it doesnt show up during the dark cycle i check on her constanly like she was a small child and i dont see it appear untill she has been in the light for atleast a hour or so so is there some thing i am doing wrong or why would salt be building up or wtf is it if it isnt salt? any more info would be greatly apprecated. oh and i hope its not a fungus or deseas cus i was rly baked when i first noticed it and tasted it cus i thought it was salt but it doenst rly tast like anything let alone salt. but now if i ingested some sort of weed fungus/disease ill be kinda mad lol.buds 043.jpg


Active Member
thats not salt. would lean more toward mold. or residue from ur ferts. i wouldnt worry about salts with organics. when using organics the biosphere takes care of ur extra nutes. breaking them down for the plant to consume. scoop that dirt outta there (white shit). keep us posted. goodtimez