WTF is this??


Active Member
This is supposed to be a feminized Lowryder 2 - the 3rd from a pack of 3 from attitude seeds.

Already grew the other 2 (very nice smoke) but this just looks...wrong. It's about 16 days in, round 3 inches tall, grown in multi purpose compost with 10% Plagron Bat Guano indoors in a grow tent.

So is this some weird mutated strain or am I gonna end up with a bunch of rhubarb next month??



New Member
Heh...that is NOT weed..... though it would be great if it was.

Didn't the seed look different at all? Perhaps you have a hitch hiker in ur soil and the weed seed is still in there?


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm with Jax, it actually looks like a geranium to me. Coincidentally, that's what my friend and I always told his mom we were growing when we were kids and were always germinating seeds in his window to plant outside. lol She was prob just waiting for the harvest.

If you could snap a better pic of it, especially the meristem, that would help a lot. The pics show the leaves quite well, but not the main stem. I think that would settle the debate for good.

Also, yeah did the seed not look different? If the seed was kosher thenit mest be something else growing in there.


Well-Known Member
The seedling is wierd and it is consistant through all the leaves. You'd think if it was a fluke that by the second or thrid set of leaves that it would grow out of a slight mutation. I am however questioning the soil you are using, what the heck is it? If by chance you have bad soil, that could be the cause of the funny leaves. I am finding it difficult to believe that you accidently planted a flower seed instead of a pot seed.