

Active Member

Ok, so total newby, 5 weeks into flower, and am curious if this is a ca/mg deficiency and N deficiency, or something else entirely, or if I should relax and let it be. I flushed about 5 days ago, and fed last night, the yellowing and necrotic spots are getting worse, and I don't wanna lose this big beutiful girl! it's being fed GH as per the bottle.




Active Member
All cal mag i have used has N in the mix. Dude Your Bitch is hungry. She def needs Cal mag. Next feeding up your dose. From the looks of things she is at peak of feeding. Feed her bro.


Well-Known Member
the yellowing is Nitrogen Deficiency, but dont worry to much, at week 5 in flowering its kind a normal and much better then clawing leaf`s, do to, to much Nitrogen, flowering plants dont use much nitrogen ..

the brown spots look more like P Deficiency to me ..

I would feed with some high P/K nuts and if possible get/use Black strap Molasses in between feed`s to provide Ca/Mg and other trace elements ..