

Active Member
From reading the GrowFAQ I decided starting my own worm farm would be too much trouble for small castings..
how about adding some worms to the plants soil? no mess, free nutrients? could fertilizer or certain chemicals hurt the worms?
would there be ANY negative effects to my plant if I throw a couple worms I find outside in the pot?
the pot is pretty small for the plants size, about 4"diamater and 4"deep, the plant itself is 1.5' tall...
I wanted to make sure it wouldnt get too big for the toilet lol.. just-in-case
I will probably transplant to a slightly bigger pot though, probably 6"diamater 6"deep


Well-Known Member
i don think so...worms actually loosen soil and help fertilize it with their wastes they excrete. im sure it wouldt hurt, its natural. =)


Well-Known Member
Don't put worms in your container. The only noticeable effect will be when it starves to death an attracts bugs.