Xmas present on deck!


Active Member
Hello fellow burners,
New Thread im posting same ole s...
Im a first timer always looking for food for thought!
I just started my first grow... using paper towel & seed in cup method to get 4 popped...(some mid for experience purposes, If everything is all good ill drop the "fruit" later!)
Did that for 3 days then dropped in MG Organic... 5in potters...
I didnt add anything to the soil mix(just because im testing), havent got any nutes yet(waiting to hear some good suggestions on when/where/how)...
Just for now I have 2 100w (6500k) CFL's hanging right above and planning to add more as they emerge from soil... closet grow with fan...
3 days in and already 2 have develop their two leafs!
Im brand new to the game and learning/reading as I grow...
I can use any suggestions that anyone has because my ears are green(pun intended)....
I plan to go straight CFL...

I will began to post starter pics soon and lets run