Y wont they SPROUT???


Active Member
I have had 6 of my seeds in little rockwool cubes with clean purfied water , and 6 others in the same water with a lil superthrive in it. Its been over three days and still no sprouts. I have them in a plastic starter box with a lid and its humid in ther cuz of the water on the top, but its under my bed. Should i put it outside for warmth and light???


Well-Known Member
they wont sprout bc u killed them,thats not the way to go to get them goin,read the faq left of live chat and right of my roll it up and soulth of rollitup.org u cant miss it


Active Member
haha tahnx guys, but i went and got a lil clone dome,plastic box with starter pucks,from homedepot. put them under a bead but didnt sprout then moved to outside.Sprouts that day!!!=] happy now