Yeah, I'm the one and only Coz the Shroom

Coz the Shroom

Active Member
Glad to be here. This is part of my "going underground."
Over the years it has been agonizing watching so many features of "the information superhighway" turn straight into "idiot box 2.0"
Facebook is alienating, it divides people, makes them easy marks for propaganda, and corals people into echo chambers where they can't do nothing but smells their own farts all day.
Well, there are solutions when mainstream things fail -- it's called "going underground."
It's like putting fliers up for shows and music releases, it's like making home tapes and listening to pirate radio.
Which is what I've done as an outsider/cassette artist my whole life.
So the online equivalent of that is :
1. go back to forums instead of going to pre-k (Facebook) where you get banned for posting something that was fine and dandy to post two weeks ago.
2. use a browser extension that gives you ONLY organic search results, and includes THE ENTIRE SEARCHABLE INTERNET.
3. Post my videos on my own website and put the links up on my YouTube channel, which I do not use anymore because Youtube also keeps playing games with "community standards" and actually DELETE shit that has been fine and dandy for years...
I am into hiking, mountaineeerig, and the outdoors, I have a lot of knowledge of herbal and naturopathic medicine. I used to post on and buy all kinds of insane shit from JLD Poisonous non-cpnsumables-- so I'm an old time internet "head." Psychonaut, that is. I make feature length "movies" (videos on cell phone, edited and chock full of shit). I play Amtgard, often as a Monk. I am into health and fitness. I fast and avoid carbohydrates and industrially processed oils.
I'm 55, married three children, a 25 year old daughter from my first marriage and 2 boys from my 2nd. The boys are in state custody and my wife moved out of the state, but she is doing great and our respective states (him: New Mexico her: Mississippi) are working with us towards re-unification.
I started smoking weed when I was 12 years oldin 6th grade in Houston where stoners were called "jellies" or "jels" (we turned our brains to jello, of course). I started smoking weed with kids from gifted class. had about 10 years where I was "straightedge" but I realized that was stupid and not me.
I was in the infamous "band" SUCKDOG where we played such prestigious gigs as the Knitting Factory and Acme Arts.
These days I am retreating into the life of an aesthetic, or a Monk. I do not believe in god, but I believe in panpsychism which is kind of like Pantheism, but does not necessarily involve a deity. So I fast daily, with 3-4 days a week where I break my fast and have one meal, and I am celebate. (VOLUNTARILY!!!!)I also have never been materialistic, so there's my vow of poverty too! This is a situation where I LARP a monk, and then actually try to live that way in real life.
Here's "Barbarianclan Films" where you'll find Karaoke Vampyres, Endpathy, Shadowes (Dark Shadows musical), and Hippy Star Wars.
I'll have more content up there later, I'm going to move everything from my original youtube channel).
It appears to be down right now.
Here's my bandcamp page:
And I keep a music channel on youtube where I post stuff I'm reasonably sure will not be removed:
La Luz UFO Cult 1966.6
rusty gate

Here's me and my lovely wife, as seen in VICE magazine 2013:

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