Yellow and purple spots

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
what kind of water are you using...soft, hard, RO, distilled?

what type of soil?....are there nutes in it?....are you adding nutes?


Well-Known Member
shouldnt your ph be 5.8? your soiless if your using promix hp. also are you doing any foliar feeding or anything with nutes? how close are your plants to the light?


Well-Known Member
If you are using spring water, you will most likely need to supplement some cal-mag. Unless your food provides adequate quantities of these 2 nutrients. Not sure if this is the total answer? But those spots have the look of a cal-mag deficiency (or as mrblu infers, perhaps a bit of light burn?).

Good luck

R2T :peace:


If you are using spring water, you will most likely need to supplement some cal-mag. Unless your food provides adequate quantities of these 2 nutrients. Not sure if this is the total answer? But those spots have the look of a cal-mag deficiency (or as mrblu infers, perhaps a bit of light burn?).

Good luck

R2T :peace:
+1 Give them some calcium magnesium supplements

something like this

many more options

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
why can't people asking for help let us know the whole story...seems we have to drag every detail out of them to try to address their issues...sometimes I wonder why we even bother to try to help

Likely Cal-mag will help....but still just guessing with the lack of details


Well-Known Member
why can't people asking for help let us know the whole story...seems we have to drag every detail out of them to try to address their issues...sometimes I wonder why we even bother to try to help

Likely Cal-mag will help....but still just guessing with the lack of details
At least he included pics :mrgreen: Come on ISK, you know we'd all be bored shitless, if posters posted ALL the info that was important. I mean, where's the challenge in that? :-D As a matter of fact, if the posters knew "the important information", they probably wouldn't be in trouble in the first place :eyesmoke: Although you are right, there could be some sort of a basic checklist prior to Post Reply....:joint: Like "no piccy, no laundry" bongsmilie Definitely datin' myself (Gunsmoke, circa 1962, or so) :roll:

R2T :peace: