Yellow dots on plant

I'm a newbie on my first grow and everything was going pretty good until now. Still growing fine, but the yellow dots are worrying me.

Also, the very bottom leaves have been dead for quite a while now and I'm wondering if I should cut them off or leave them.

Just fyi, I am a little over a month in, and I'm using miracle grow flower and vegetable soil mix and watering with straight tap water.

Pictures are attached. Thanks for any help!

Edit: Added a picture of one of the other leaves, and a picture of my entire plant for any general insights.



Well-Known Member
Are you running HPS in veg? Your picture quality is not good. I wouldn't worry too much about the spots. But the picture of your whole plant doesn't look good. Your leaves are drooping and growth looks stunted. The plant definitely isn't happy. I suspect overwatering and/or PH problems.
Ya I'm doing HPS all the way through; couldn't afford two separate lights. 1 400w HPS for 4 plants. I noticed the drooping, is there anything I can do about it? I've been watering roughly every 3 days so I agree that I may be overwatering. It's been about 5 or 6 days since I watered this time and I can still feel water when I poke my finger into the soil, so that leads me to believe that 3 days was too often. Also, I haven't used nutes at all because I'm honestly a little confused about the right way to use them. I bought a PH/Fertility tester with three metal prongs, but the darned thing doesn't seem to work. I'm going to get the old fashioned strips.

And yes, that terrible quality is being caused by the HPS light. The camera is on a Galaxy SIII phone, so I can be sure of that ;)

Edit: I'm also in a place where the temperature range for my plants is between 82 and 89, but they seem to have been taking the heat well. There is a fan on them and on the light.


Active Member
She's drooing becuase she's thirtsy, soil looks way too dry from here. Can't see any drainage solution in the soil either.
Water more and see that she is getting the required nutrients, from the sound of it, i don't think that's the case. Using straight tap water it's more then likely gonna be a high ph so you should correct that for when she's being properly fed especially.
Well I went out and bought an old fashioned PH tester where you drop the liquid in a vial, and it said that my PH was over 8.5! This is definitely hurting my plants, so I adjusted the PH (after some trial and error with the PH up and down) and hopefully that will help. Also, I bought the fox farm trio so that should help with nutrients, but I gotta wait for it to ship :(. Thanks for both of your help with that :).

I don't think she is thirsty. The top is dry but when you stick your finger in it is pretty wet. I have been saturating her every three days. Probably just the quality (high PH and no nutrients) rather than the quantity that is killing her.

What about those bottom leaves? Should I cut them?


Active Member
you can pull the really dead ones, I ran into a PH problem recently as well. Turns out my fancy water was around 8.5 as well :wall:

you may already know this but just for future reference, Make sure that you test your PH after you mix in your nutrients as it will raise/lower your PH of your water as well

also, You really need to get some perlite in there to allow more air flow in your soil. If you plan to transplant them soon into bigger buckets make sure you add around 30% perlite to your soil to give it more of a spongy consistency and not so much like plain dirt.


Well-Known Member
I;m having a similar problem... i made a thread...

I am mine might be blight/septoria/yellow leaf spot.

Some of your spots looks just like mine, but some do not. Mine are all round. You have some blotchy ones.


Well-Known Member
Fluctuations in PH can cause spotting like that. Plant looks like it might have been over watered some also. Try to water only when the pot feels light.


Well-Known Member
it may be nothing bro but some of the damage looks like pest damage, take a real close look at the undersides of your leaves and the top 1/2 inch of your soil, even if you don't see anything moving, you MAY see eggs. ...probably nothing but it's better to be sure.


oh yeah, just pluck the dead shit off.
Everyone who said something about PH and/or overwatering: THANK YOU! I fixed the PH and waited longer to water it and now a few days later it's like a whole new plant. There is absolutely no droop, the green is greener, and the yellow is going away. I can't wait to see these babies take off once my nutrients get here. THANKS AGAIN!!! :D

Oh and for the dead leaves I did just pluck them off and I think that is helping too. I didn't see any bugs, but I will be on the lookout because I know time is a sensitive thing when you have bugs. Thanks for all the tips,and keep em coming if anyone thinks of any more.


Active Member
I'm a newbie on my first grow and everything was going pretty good until now. Still growing fine, but the yellow dots are worrying me.

Also, the very bottom leaves have been dead for quite a while now and I'm wondering if I should cut them off or leave them.

Just fyi, I am a little over a month in, and I'm using miracle grow flower and vegetable soil mix and watering with straight tap water.

Pictures are attached. Thanks for any help!

Edit: Added a picture of one of the other leaves, and a picture of my entire plant for any general insights.
Here is what I suspect:

The leaves are droopy and leaf edges are curved upward. Heat stress/underwatered. You need to raise your light if possible.

The dots on the leaves. One of two things. That is either the early stage of a thripede infestations thrip_002.jpg or an early sign of Ca Mg deficincyPoorly_plant_2.jpg.

If they are thrips, get some neem oil or even some Captain Jacks. "Spinosad"
If it is a CaMg def, apply some CaMg fertilizer asap.

Thanks goes to thctalk for pics.