Yellow leafs with small halls on it


Hello guys,

I´m having a problem cos the leafs started to have a strange yellow colour and some halls as well.
I have alaskan ice with 1 month under 400 wtts
Can any one please help me with this??


Well-Known Member
First off your lights are too close. Check your humidity too. 50-60%
Also looks like your not giving them any nutes or your ph is off.


First off your lights are too close. Check your humidity too. 50-60%
Also looks like your not giving them any nutes or your ph is off.
I will put the lights a bit more distante!!
Iºm giving every day 1ml of 3 diferent nuts(alga grw, enzimes and root stimulator)
regarding the PH, i´ve never checked it:((


Well-Known Member
Your ph (water) must be tested and checked. Thats one key to a good grow. With ph too high or to low the roots will not uptake certain nutes.
If you are useing tap the least you can do is let water sit out over night so chlorine will disapate into the air.
Slow down a little on the nutes, like the root stimulator.
Lights back them up to 24-30"