yellow leaves HELP !!!


hi all i hope ucan help me with my blue cheese..i have the yellow leaves thats started to work its way up to the middle and am very concerned..i have been on 12/12 for two you think its nute burn been using iggy bloom juice.nuteing every 2 waterings and then watering the next time on half recomended dose. the problem started after repotting.any help would b very gratefull



Well-Known Member
It looks like PH spotting. Do you know what you soil PH is? What do you PH your water and fert, to? The yellowing, is nitrogen deficiency starting, which is pretty normal during flowering. How many weeks in, are ya? Looks like about 5, give or take a week? The problem might just be lack of nitrogen, which is easy to take care of. Feed in with some 1/2 strength veg fert, and that'll keep the damage from getting much worse(for another 2 weeks or so). If you think it could be a PH problem, it's be a good idea to flush it, then feed it afterwards, with the veg fert and micros.


Well-Known Member
give it some molasses. and some nitrogen check the ph. its normal to yellow alittle in flowering. but it does vary in strains.


Well-Known Member
Those spotted leafs on your last 2 pics look like Magnesium (Mg) deficiency

I dont think it is nitrogen deficiency because look how dark green some of your leafs are

check you nute to see if it has any "micro nutrients" people always forget about them because they are labeled micro, but thats because you only need a little bit. They are just as important as Nitrogen,Potassium, Phosphorous

MAGNESIUM is a micro nute

Lack of Mg can cause

Red Stems,Yellowing of lower leafs, & Necrosis (death of tissue)"are your leafs dieing of just changing colors?


thanks for quick ph going in whith nutes is 6.8 and run off is 6.9..the plant is 6 weeks old 4 weeks in vveg and just over 2 weeks on bloom.the bottom two pictures are off of a diffrent do you guys think its nitrogen or mg def.the leaves are going yellow and falling off,i understand it does this in bloom but i think it a bit early only in 2 weeks guys coz it smells lovely..thanks for all ur help..keep it comeing


Yeh the 2 last leaves looks to me like a MG problem. Its natrual for a plant to kill off its lower leaves, as instead of using them to help with the photosynthesis of collecting light + water, instead they use them as food... something nutritous to the plant. If you lose one or two leaves over a period of 2 weeks then your plant will do fine, it will pull through to final stages of flowering.

If i were in your situation I would flush, as there can be a salt-build up of your nutes, if its your first time using them certain nutes then those would be the main suspect :P.