Yellow Tips & Droopified


Well-Known Member
I was trying to look through FAQ for my answer and failed.. so I apologize if that answer is right under my nose..

The plant that I believed to kill has grown up but at the same time it does this shit back and forth where one day it becomes droopy then it perks up. I believe this has to do with me not figuring out the right time and amount of water to give it.. the first 4 leaves that sprouted as I was told will never loose the brown spots from my begginers mistake but the rest above look pretty healthy and green but are starting to form a light colored yellow and a little brown on the tips of the leaves, how the last leaves started and died. So I would like to pinpoint the problem now before it persists..
What could be the problem behind this?

If you would like pictures or details of my supposively (improved) grow area just ask and I shall deliver..

I also believe signs of it being a female or male are now visible.. I wana say my plant has become a female but then again depending on how you look at it could be a male... I sures the fuck hope it isnt a hermy...
Thanks tokers and growers..


Well-Known Member
Mine are 12 ds old and are a little bigger. No discoloration though.
My best one has a few more nodes with more leaves.
Though most of my plants biggest leaves will droop with too much water. It seems that they droop less with less water. I also just started putting a heating pad on low under the best plant with the leaves curled the most. I am going to monitor it closely every 15min while on.
I am hoping to dry out some of the soil by raising the soil temp

Get a moisture meter!!
:blsmoke: :peace: and plant seeds everywhere you can.


Well-Known Member
1st - The grow area -
Left Light 100w Flourescent EcoBulb
Right Light 75w Flourescent EcoBulb
2nd - The foliage shot
3rd - The side picture
4th - Is what I believe to be its sex
5th - The brown tips that are forming

I also have a picture of it before it drooped, last night. Ill show if wanted...

Soil - Black Gold
Nutes - None atm, soil has a months worth from my understanding
Water - Daily when soil has no moisture knuckle deep
Lights - As told above..



Well-Known Member
Also.. I DO infact now have a cheap 5$ PH tester.. I've tested 3 types of water around the house and here are my results
(I dont know wtf #-#-# means)

City Water: 7
Bottled Water: 4
Filtered Water: 4-6 I couldn't tell the color was odd

I currently use regular bottle water...

Are there any techniques to raise or lower PH without store bought chemicals to do exactly this..?


Well-Known Member
that sex pic is not a pre flower it is stipules if its going to be female a growing shoot will form right in the center of the node then like 3-7 days the preflowers will form one on each side of the shoot


Well-Known Member
Water - Daily when soil has no moisture knuckle deep
Theres your problem.

I have to say I'm getting more than a bit weary of telling people how to water their plant properly, I seem to do it at least two or three times a day, I'm going to have to do a separate post on it I think.

Here's a previous post that explains what the 'wet/dry schedule' is. It's important to fully understand how this works because until you do, you'll continue to over-water your plant.


Well-Known Member
Ill try to pay more attention to the advice you given and see how things go.. do you believe this is as well causing the tips of my leaves to discolor from green?


Active Member
im deff having the same problem sorry for sounding like a broken record but how much water do u add when you water your plant


Well-Known Member
I don't have the answer for you Highasfuck but for them to answer that you should probably mention how big your grow medium is and possibly what stage your plant is on.. Im sure its going to be asked. :joint: Later