yellow tips


Active Member
my babies are doin fine except one them is starting to get yellow leaf tips and
the flowers have stopped developing. I am beginning the fourth week of flowering. Can anyone help me nurse my baby back to good health.


Well-Known Member
yellow can be ok with some strains during budding, but without any info on the type of soil or strain of seeds or fertilizer regimen and what kind and the number(15-30-15 etc.) how can anyone help you. FIRST, BUY A GROWERS GUIDE, people on this site are hardly what any sensible person would call an authority on the subject. I see more people giving outrageously stupid wives tale type advice that an experienced grower can see that they have no real horticultual knowledge. POT IS NOT SOME MYSTERIOUS MAGIC PLANT IT IS ONLY A WEED THAT HAS THE SAME NEEDS AS CORN AND GREEN BEANS, too many people spew fairytale bullshit on this site and are no help to the beginner who really needs some good advice. My advice , buy some books on the subject written by true authorities, then laugh as you read the advice some of these so called experts give NUF SAID