Yellow/white spots, wrinkled leaves


Active Member

these are 2 northern lights plants, about a month and a half old. Theyre under a 400 w mh lamp, in soil. They are fetilised once every 3 days, a little bit, and thats also when theyre watered with phd water. The ventilation is proper, and heat stays around 80 degrees with the lights on, 65 with them off. The spots are yellowish/whitish/brownish and look like burn marks. They appear only on one side of one of the plants (pics #1 and #2), and only on one leaf on the other plant (pic #3). I think im over-nuting, is that correct? Should i cut down or is it a defficiancy of something?

THanks for the help, in advance.



Well-Known Member
I had the same problem, don't know what caused it. It didn't spread or change and the plants are doing fine. Just watch closely for now.


Well-Known Member
have you spilt water/nute solution on leaves?
Yes , I did, my first attempt at foliar feeding. Last attempt also I think. Sprayed all the plants, only two got the spots. Thought it might be a combination of that and being too close to my 1000w HPS. Moved the plants, stopped spraying and no more yellow spots. Hope that's Leaffan's problem, it was easy to solve with no permanent damage.


Active Member
oh makes sense, i think i did spill some somewhere at some point.

do the plants look well for their age? what do you guys tink?


Active Member
If you're gonna foliar feed, you should either raise the light or just spray them when the light goes off... I did the same thing and had a burn spot.. that's exaclty what that looks like.. best bet would just foliar feed once the light goes off, they like that