yellowing fan leaves 4weeks in to flower


hi ev1! this is my first post as ime a noob 2 this & growing so hope ive posted this in right forum. i have got 1 skunk#1 from clone vegged for about 6-8 weeks and am now in 4 weeks flower tommorow 27/4/2010. and for the past few days almost all of my fan leaves are yellow or going yellow. could sum1 tell me if this is normal so early in flower. i have been feeding with westlands tom food for veg npk 4.0 2.0 6.0 i started feeding 1 week before flower and at about 3 1/2 weeks in started adding canna pk 13/14 half strength. any help much appreciated ty. i will try upload sum pics aswell. ty



Pk13/14 I believe is to be used wk 5-6 and start low like .5ml / L or 2ml/gal? I could be wrong but if it was me I would flush and resume standard feeding til week 5 then add the pk.


hi kstampy i was told week 5 in grow shop but he also advised just to add a drop or 2 of it to every second feed. but i think u could be right think i need 2 flush her then when i flush do i just run straight water through an how much im in 10-11 litre pots ty


Hey man sorry it took me a couple of days to reply but according to Jorge Cervantes he says to flush with 3x the amount of soil but I myself do 1:1 or a little bit more. I find that 9 gallons of water to flush a 3gal bucket to be kind of ridiculous. Don't forget to ph your water before flushing 6.3-6.8 ish. Check your run off water and average the run off and the ph of your flushing water and I believe that gives you a better idea of what ph your soil is. I just flushed my mother in a 3gal with about 3 gals of water. Put her in a 5 gal bucket and use a pot to make a gap between the floor and your plant and it all just falls down and you don't soak your soil in the crap.

If you know about "Al B. Fuct" he documented that pk13/14 at wk 3 was giving him bad results and if you do some more research on his grow style you'll see that he makes everything completely simple so while I don't think a couple of drops will hurt it I think you may be just wasting precious $$nutes$$. If you see your plant get starved of P and/or K then maybe start adding a couple drops before wk 5 :). It's all about keeping it simple for me now that I mirrored Al's grow... just watch your plants and catch deficiencies Then give em what they want. Then clone those and run them over and over with perfect results. As far as the yellowing stay on top of it and watch the progression, maybe you will have to bump up your bloom ppms.

From what I read Skunk#1 is very hard to kill so you should be good no matter what you do lol.

I recommend picking up Jorge Cervantes' grow bible. It's definitely not better than forums but it is a Great reference book for personal use. I still find myself looking into it at least every month.


Oh and hey I know you can't h elp it but the pics are awful quality and it is kind of hard to see well enough to be sure of a deficiency if there was one lol good luck!