Yellowing leaves in 4 week of flowering

Im growing under 7000 watts HID 4000 overhead and 3000 vho t5s on the walls.
Ive got my nutr program down pretty good. The plants are 2-3+ feet in 3 gal containers. And they started having yellow leaves develope on all my plants. Not alot just like 2-8 per palnt, which isnt much. Considering these guys are so dense ans have so many leaves that its proabobly less than 3-5% of the leaves that are affected.
Is this a normal process? Or is is some sort of defiecency?? I know its not nute burn, cuz I did that one my first grow (this beeing my 2nd). So is it normal for these leaves to to all the photosynthesis they can and then die off?? Or do I need to add some Nitrogen to keep them green and lush. Which like I said over 90% are just nice dark to medium dark greens depending on strain??? Alos when these leaves turn yellow, hould I remove them or just leave them on till they fall off??Which they arent doing, they just kinda stay attached. Just trying to figure out some of the tweaks in my garden.
So if any of you Ganja masters could help this newbie it would be appreciated. Because I spent almost $15000 so far and bought only the BEST OF THE BEST Equipment wise. And that paid off. My first harvest was better than the guy I got the genetics from. And his stuff was fire. I had a botanical lab test all five finished products and came up with Thc contents of 18-25.2%!!!!!FIRST TRY!!!! But thats the equipment, proper nutes and tender loving care for my harem.....LOL
I cant wait for this harvest as I added CO2 to the setup, should know in about five weeks. Its just that the last harvest, I would say wasnt very green. It was after curing, but on the plants almost everything was yellow(NUTEBURN). I dont have that issue anymore, but these random yellow leaves are driving me crazy, Its like 3-8 per plant and each plant easily has 100+ leaves!!!
Thanks in advance for helping this newbie, so in the future, I can pass the knowledge on and help other newbies.
PUFF TOUGH and GROW YOUR OWN. F the dealers with their high prices. Ive started a price war. If your a friend of mine, I will sell you a $50 quarter a week or $175 oz a month and this stuff is AAA. And my real good friends just get a baggie full free here and there. Im not in it for the money. Im in it for good pot, not having to deal with shady people, short bags etc etc etc. Hec k I weigh my pot according to us oz which is 456 grams a pound 114 a qp and just to round up 29 a oz even quarters are heavy at 8. SO Im not trying to become a millionair, just want to pay for my inital outlay and then upgrade to 16x8x7 tent for a Hydroponic ebb and flow tray system 256 plants in that bad boy under the best LEDs you can buy, I like toys, so Im just experimenting!Thatll give me the caacity to do 400-500 plants every 90 days!! Between soil, hydro and aeroponics. My $870 powerbill i slighlty worrysome??Anyone have any idea whats to high for a large 4 bedroom house?? Should be able to upgrade after a couple of harvest which I stagger one every 20 days. At any rate Im just rambling. If anyone has any advice Ill listen. My main concern are the few yellowing leaves and wether to use some high or medium n foods during flowering and if so what ratio for N 3?5?15?25???


Well-Known Member
Wow Mile,

You took a BIG step for your 1st couple grows, nothing like throwing 15 g's at something, you may want to do some reading on what is causing the yellow leaves.

Sounds like they may be root bound

Good luck on your grow


Well-Known Member
It's normal for leaves to turn yellow in flowering as you probably are using a low N bloom fertilizer. Just add a half a dose of N (or grow/veg nutes) with your next watering. Cut your other K-P (flowering) nutes in half when you do it. Keep it up for another week or two then revert back to your flowering nutes. It worked for me. My avatar pix is a AK-47 at 6-7 weeks with very little yellowing. Good luck! Uncle Ben helped me on this issue.