yellowing lower leaves- is this normal?


Active Member
take a look. The lower leaves keep turning yellow and falling off. Any ideas why this is or how to stop it so I dont end up with lollipop plants? +rep for thoughtful responses and help. thanks for looking!


Active Member
same thing happened with my plants but i put plenty of nutrients so I was thinking it burned the leaves and killed this possible anyone and what would be the quick fix?


Well-Known Member
Lack of nitrogen. Get those bitches some fertilizer!
I agree 100%
Those plants are hungry for some nitrogen man. If you don't want to add nutrient solution to the soil you could spray the leaves with a nitrogen rich solution. Definitely though you need to get some plant food. Once they get something to eat they will go back to proper colour and start to grow like crazy. Start slow on the nutes. It is much better to underfeed by a little than to over feed by a little. Always use less that what the nutrient bottle suggests.


You may need to fertilize. Something with good nitrogen content.


- shit 3 posts in the time it took me to word mine lol...i had half a novel written out on why you needed nitrogen and shit then realized you probably didn't care and im stoned and rambling, so deleted and wrote that :P...but yea definitely get something with good N source.


Active Member
haha, well thanks for the quick responses guys, I will try to get these babies some nitrogen asap. I have some time release plant food which has quite a bit of nitrogen, as well as some neptunes harvest fish emulsion. I applied the fish emulsion once well they were still in pots. Think I'll go for the time release pellets this time so I dont have to fertilize as often. +rep for you all! thanks


Well-Known Member
This comes more from intense hours of digging through cannabis forums than actual experience, but I've heard, from a very wise man on this forum named Subcool, that when cultivating Cannabis one is best to avoid slow release fertilizers. When using slow release it is impossible to know how much food your plant is receiving at any given time. This makes adding additional nutrients extremely difficult. If I was you I would stick with the fish emulsions as well as looking at getting some bone meal and some blood meal. I always try to chose organic nutrients over synthetics, but most of the time it is much easier just to buy a bottle of chemical fertilizer.