Yellowing Of Leaves Spreading :/


Active Member
I've already posted about my plant problems a couple of times and I have tried flushing the system and providing more nutrients, but the bottom leaves keep turning pale green, then yellowing, and then dying. I still can't figure it out. My plant is 2-3 weeks into flowering and it seems like its spreading. I've been feeding the plant at half strength dyna-gro bloom for the past two feedings. If anyone can give some insight on what is going on with my plant I would be grateful :).

Pics of the plant are below. You can kinda see the progression that this problem brings the leaves through.

IMG_0417[1].JPG IMG_0418[1].JPG IMG_0419[1].JPG IMG_0420[1].JPG


Well-Known Member
Did you give them any nitrogen before flower? I run dyna gro to add some nitrogen for first couple weeks of flower. I just give em some high nitrogen quano. To many people stop giving veg muted in flower I do all the way till the third week of flower after the stretch.


Well-Known Member
You're giving too much fert. you should stop and just give water when the soil is dry and see how the plants does. You have dark green leaves and leaf tip burn, which means you've been giving too much fert. Give the soil a distinct wet/dry cycle, meaning that you water the soil thoroughly, the let it dry out to put some oxygen in the soil, the water again. This will take several days, depending on how warm your air temps are. Dynagrow is kind of a hot fert and while the bottle says how much to give, it doesn't say how often so I suspect that you've given too much over time. the good news is that it's not terrible, so I'd cool it on the fert and give it some time to grow. I can't tell you when to fert again, but there's a trial and error aspect to growing. This is one problem with ferts like dynagrow, giving too much becomes just too easy and people kill their plants with so much fert.