Yellowing of lower leaves, small brown spots forming...


Active Member
Now before we get into the problem, let's talk about where my plants are at. This is my first ever indoor grow for starters, I've only attempted growing 3 times in the past (all outdoors) and have been rather successful. So now I want to give it a whirl indoors.

Right now I am running ~160 watts CFL at 16/8 (was running 24/7 for the past 4 days but have stopped now). The only nutrients I am using are two organic ferts. One is a standard base nute made by Botanicare (Pure blend bro grow, 3-2-4), and also some Humboldt honey (just started adding recently) that adds some potassium and other basic things like carbohydrates, it's NPK is only 0-0-1.

Everything is running in a mixture of basic potting soil (not nutrients mixed in) with a fair amount of hydroton mixed into the soil (for aeration). It's running in a smaller sized grow box and is getting good ventilation and whatnot. I also water as recommended, and never overdue it.

Now here is my problem. I actually received these plants from someone who germed and sprouted them themselves. When I received them they were in the pot that you see, there is actually 4 plants total, 2 in each rockwool cube (dumb idea to me as the roots I think could conflict). I took them and decided to just give them a shot for the hell of it, but right when I received them I noticed that the lower leaves were yellow-ish in color and they also were starting to form some brown spots. So I figured maybe he just didn't feed them right or whatever and that I would nurture them to good health. Honestly when I received the plants they were probably in there 3rd week since germination and appeared to be slightly stunted in growth.

So here it is 2 weeks later (plants are anywhere from 4-5 weeks young). and they look like nothing if you ask me. I think it all has to do with the slow start that the original owner had given it, because ever since I have owned them they seem to be growing at a far more rapid rate. However can someone PLEASE help me with any info towards this yellow-leaf problem, or know what the little spots may be from?

I've heard numerous things, pics are included and I'm sorry if they aren't very good quality. Feel free to ask away I need an answer asap.

Edit: and just for a more accurate description of the problem. Some of the leaves (the affected ones that are yellow and have brown spots), are curling. It's very few leaves that it's happening to and it's only the bottom node or so. But they curl down and curl up, it's rather odd. There really is no noticeable pattern. They just don't look healthy. :(


Kevin A

Active Member
Could this be a ph problem in your water. Im new myself, but with what I have been learning. This may be one of the problems??


Active Member
Could this be a ph problem in your water. Im new myself, but with what I have been learning. This may be one of the problems??
To be honest I've only checked my Ph levels once. I unfortunately don't have a legit meter myself. I use tap water, though I purify it. I should really get into that, but like I said the plants were yellow even before I got them.

I think they may SLOWLY be getting better. I feel ever since I actually got them under a decent lighting/feeding routine they are actually progressing. I guess it never hurts to check my Ph though.

At first I was thinking maybe possibly over feeding but I feel like the organic nutes I use (in the amount I use) would not be enough to cause nute burn. I read somewhere that it could possibly be a potassium deficiency which is why I ended up purchasing the humboldt honey (well that and other reasons).

I appreciate the help though, I'm new as well, so it's all good. I love learning and have been studying this whole ordeal for a while. This is kinda a "test run" for myself since I'm just running on CFL. Plan on getting some HPS in the future for at least veg and possibly experimenting with LED for flowering, but it depends on my funding. Crap aint cheap haha.

But keep the help coming! I can explain the problem more if needed, willing to get better pics possibly as well.

Also a quick question. This weekend I have to run back to my home town (couple hours away from me) for only 2 nights. What should I set the timer at while gone so that the plants get light but don't end up getting dry? Also how far should I set the lights away from the plants while gone? Don't want to come back to them growing into the bulbs!!

Edit: Also, sorry for all the questions, but isn't it rather odd that the plants are so small for their age? As aforementioned they are roughly 5 weeks old (since transferred into soil from germination). The owner before me ran them outside where it was still somewhat cold out but getting warmed (I live in a very warm/humid climate). I feel as if they are growing better but still not the way I want. I don't want them to be hopeless or not do good just cause he screwed up the first couple weeks. However I am willing to let them veg out for a while if they take longer to get where they need to be.


Active Member
Any ideas anyone?

I just realized that my temps are getting hot up top near my lights, so I just added two new fans to increase the output of hot air.

Kevin A

Active Member
For 2 days, hmmm, This is what "I" would do, I would set my lights about 5 or 6 inches, and I think that is playing it safe. That being said, im also a noob soooo thats what I would do. As for the timer, I'd day stick with the 16/8, If I was in your spot I would probablly go with a 18/6 or 19/7. I really like the vegging stage so for me the more sunshine(cfl) for my babies, the more foilage.

Ill be going on vacation for 10 days in may. I have to figure out what im gonna do for my plants while im gone.


Active Member
Alright well an update, I will get pics in the morning. But the bottom leaves eventually died and fell off, however I have the box set up with a great cooling system now and slightly larger wattage (by like +15watts maybe). But the plants are doing great now! Growing way better than before. A lot of very beautiful green foilage is appearing and I like it.

This past weekend I had to leave town for 2 nights and when I came back today I was very surprised with what I saw. They look nearly flawless now, still small but they are definitely getting there!