Yellowing Of Lower Leaves


Active Member
im in 2 week 3 of flowering.. noticed a few days ago a few lower leaves are a bit yellow. any ideas plz.. using soil under 600 watt dual spec coolhood reflector. using bio nova products...3 cheese 2 skunkberry ...


be easy on the nutes, i would ease off to just water for a while and see if that helps. Its normal for leaves to do that during flower, starting with the bottom. The plant thinks that the season has changed to fall, and just like any (most) other plants its gonna drop leaves.
Unless its really bad I wouldnt really worry about it. Thats just my 2cents


Active Member
its 2 cents like that that i might just need 2 put my mind at ez... thanx for ya reply.... il post sum pix 2mo and if ya about mayb u can av a look n see what u think.. its my first time and learning by the day ,, thanx again..