Yellowing of young leaves.. is this N deficiency or ph???

ok so plants are a 1 foot tall and 3 weeks old ive ran into problem but bounced back and yet here's another one..

as it appears on all my plants all the young leaves from the inside out are turning light green and look almost yellow, as ive been reading im thinking its either N deficient or PH imbalance but i could be wrong can anyone assist..

my ph going in is about 6.8 +/- .2..and run off as i just tested one plant because i flushed the run off is way bellow 6.8 so i need some assistant. View attachment new2.BMPView attachment new.BMP

Pictures are small but you can see the light green in the center


Well-Known Member
Your Pics didn't work but I'm starting to wonder If my ph is causing my leaves to do the same thing.. My plants are about 5 weeks and pretty much doing the same thing you described. I want to say its ph most likely but what do I know.. Bump for some help on this.

I also wanted to add that I wasn't worried in the begining when it first started to happen because I assumed its because the lower leaves wern't getting enough light. Now I'm thinking there's a little more to it..??


Active Member
well try givin jus a lil bit more food n if you see the tips start to burn then you kno tats not it. pics are broke for some reason
i have been feeding them about 3 -4 days is when i water and i am using grow big which is 6-4-4.. but not sure if im using too little i put about 3 tblspn per gallon


Active Member
Lol..its neither bro.. your plants are healthy as they can be. its only the new growth,ur plant is getting mature,they will get darker as they get bigger,if anything" They look strong for only 3 weeks..peace out
ay another Q: does miracle grow leaf shine hurt a plant if i just mist on top i wanna try foliage and i just happen to see that so would that work??????