yellowing plant

I'm on my second grow, first one was a breeze but now the problems have set in! Im growing soil, using soil a and soil b for nutes and a little cal mag as well and a touch of root accelerator. Ph is about 6.5 and im on 24 hours of light with the plants about two weeks from flowering. Plants being blue hog and about 27 inches sitting in 4gal pots with super soil. Watering once every five or six days with runoff at the bottom of my pot which will sit usually for a day or two. 1000 w hps and about 77 degrees in the is 6'x6' and only six in there.
When i water they perk up for about two days then sag are turning a lighter and lighter green by the day, nearly yellow now! I just used some florakleen on them this morning in hopes to cleanse out the toxins if any in the soil..Any help exerienced ones!!



Active Member
Looks like maybe a little N def and possibly not enough water? My plants are about the size of yours and I water/feed every 2 days(Though my plants are outside and temps are 95+) I cant imagine a plant that size needing water only every 5-6 days. Do you have a moisture meter? or do you do the "lift the pot test" to see if it feels heavy or light (in which case you should probably water)?

/edit: BTW: I can see you in the mirror of your 4th pic :P
Hey thanks for your input I Do appreciate it....I use a moister meter but its one of the ones for like 12 doll hairs at the hydro store and it always says my soil is WET. I always read that newbies over water so I am leary of overwatering. Any good remedies for the n deficiency? im gonna hit em with some cal mag plus when they are ready...sound like a winner?


Active Member
Your hydro store should sell tons of nutes that are rich in N for your plant. I wanted to go for more of an organic grow so I went with Humboldt Nutrients Grow, and Im now using thier Bloom and Duece Duece since I started flowering 6 days ago. My plants really seem to like it and Im following thier feeding chart to a T and havent had any probs yet. But get whatever nutes you wanna get I know theres alot of quality ones out there. I havent had to do any cal/mag on my plants so I couldnt advise you on that part. As far as your moisture meter goes maybe try the lift test if you dont think yours is very acurate. And I understand your concerns about overwatering, I did that after I first transplanted mine. I just waited till the soil was dry around the middle of my finger and then watered. Good luck with your grow and keep me updated on your plants recovery!! Happy Growing!
So today I noticed a slight yellowing on the middle of a couple leaves...And some of them are curling under along with the entire plant turning yellow!! any advice oh experienced ones??


dude, you should be watering daily.alot of people treat dope like a regular plants and try to water every several days,,,the dope plant needs the daily watering w/nutes to grow INTO WHAT YOU WANT IT TO END UP LIKE< BIG BUDS!.sure yo may keep it alive by 4-5 day intervals of watering, but you want it to get to its optimum potential..yellow leaves are generally from Nitrogen deficiency


yeah just looked at your pics,,,not taking in enough of its nutes by your watering schedule..its hungry for the vitamins


and P.S...sorry for 3 notes..but also, ak47, has a tendency to turn real yellow, and in some cases even die..,,i personally dont like growing it for that reason...what nutes you using btw??

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
dude, you should be watering daily.alot of people treat dope like a regular plants and try to water every several days,,,the dope plant needs the daily watering w/nutes to grow INTO WHAT YOU WANT IT TO END UP LIKE< BIG BUDS!.sure yo may keep it alive by 4-5 day intervals of watering, but you want it to get to its optimum potential..yellow leaves are generally from Nitrogen deficiency
I greatly disagree here. You should only water when necessary. Depending on the size of the planter and the retention of the soil and the needs of the plant watering more often indoors than every other day is a recipe for disaster. Maybe if there is a 50/50 mix of perlite to soil... Maybe...

Marijuana needs air at the root zone also, keeping the media permanently saturated will choke the root system and the biosphere.

I don't know anyone else that waters indoor soil daily. The greater consensus is to water to saturation with minimal run off and then to use the weight of the planter to determine how much moisture is in the media. When the planter becomes light then it is time to saturate again.

I'm on board with everything else though, definitely a nutrient uptake issue. Try some humic/fulvic acids to help break down molecules to a size the roots can absorb.
I knew it was nitrogen but I didn't want to burn up the girls with too much nutes.........Do you think watering with just clean water and some cal mag would be smart or just go ahead and nut them? I airrated my soil by the scientific method of just prodding the soil so some air can get in and loosening things up....How do you think the best way to proceed would be? I've kept them pretty wet you think I should let them dry out, does my pics look like im underwatering? they get about a half gallon per five or six days.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I'd go ahead and nute them. Some organic tea would do wonders. Maybe a little Marine Cuisine from Fox Farms as a soil dressing would be a good idea also.

You should avoid aerating your soil like a soccer field and prodding holes in to it. Breaking off parts of your root system can really set you plant back and creates rotting matter in your media. Unless you have a good rhizosphere working then this rot can lead to bad things.

Aeration starts at the media prep. If you want more dissolved oxygen content in the soil you should try running an air stone in your water reservoir for a few hours before using it. I got a pump and a stone for like $10 from my local hydro store.

To be honest though it looks like you're running a little shy on just about everything. If you start dropping in a 2-0-0 3-1 solution with .1% iron you could very quickly start seeing zinc, phosphate, and potassium deficiencies. The plant looks hungry for just about everything, which is why I recommend a tea. Just using the Cal-Mag is probably not the best approach. You need to address every nutrient, down to the micro nutrients, as well as rebuild the rhizosphere. Go organic and you'll cover all your bases. Go synthetic and you're going to need several products to get everything. Seriously, soil+organic>soil+synthetic.