Yellowing, purple, brown, and strange coloring during Flowering


Hey guys, this is only my second grow and this year I only have 1 girl out of the four i started so i am pretty concerned with the progress. Started the seeds late March. (Strain: Bag seed, Sensi Star)

Firstly, I am growing in 15gal Foxfarm OF soil, all organic. Giving it teas with Humbolt Nutrients Grow Natural, Deuce Deuce, and Bloom Natural, Alfalfa meal, worm castings, bat guano, and of course molasses. Other than the teas, only RO water 1 gal about 3 times a week.

I was out of town for about 2 weeks so it was getting water from timer with hose water. When i returned she was all discolored and yellowing (purplish tips, red/purp stems, dying fans). Since then I have given her two of the tea batches and foliar fed with nitrogen 2 or 3 times.
What is the deficiency/problem in this case? Also is the bud production regular for this stage in flowerin?, been about 4 weeks.

Thanks team. :clap:



Well-Known Member
I'm thinking and that's is dangerous:lol: Were you over watering for 2 weeks without any nutrients? If so I would feed the big dose of BB,TB, BG like the chart says in what the 2nd or 3rd weeks of flowering! Other wise the plant and the bud production looks goods but you never know what it's going to do now that it has issues this could be it~


Well-Known Member
I would feed at half strength on the nutes. Most definatly with the tiger bloom! The plant looks good...... You say you are wayering with R/O water? If so you could add some eppson salt in. Or get you a bottle of magical or any cal/mag would work. I am not saying this is a mag problem its just if you are using R/O and have not added any it wouldnt hurt.

After thinking about it i think i would use full strength grow big and full strength big bloom and no tiger bloom. If you are gonna use a cal/mag i would go half on the grow big. cal/mag will raise PPM around 200PPm at 1tsp/5ml per gallon.


Thanks for the help guys, I was just getting a little weary for the plant because before I left she was a fine dark green and has lightened up quite a bit with the yellowing/whitening of leaves and purple tips.
Anyways, I do not have any of the fox farms products (just the OF soil) because i'm using the Humboldt Nutrients organic line-up (Grow Natural, Bloom Natural, & Deuce Deuce), but I'll start using them full strength and add some epsom salts.

Again thanks a lot with the input.
If anyone else has more advice, it is greatly appreciated.