yellowish/brown patches- PLEASE HELP i have pics


Active Member
OMG- something is seriously going on with my plants... they are a couple months old and I grow them outside. Up until about two weeks ago they were beautiful, but then i fertilized them... i haven't done it since... but a little after incident my plants started to go downhill and i can't figure out what's up.

Problem: growing yellow / brown patches on the leaves, very dry leaf.
I have 1.3 mega pixel pics, but i don't know if this will allow me to post them. they are so close to harvest, the thought of losing them breaks my heart. I would really appreciate all the advice i can get in my time of need.

Also, are the stems supposed to be this purple?



Well-Known Member
dont sweat it those big leaves might turn completely yellow before harvest your plant is feeding off itself it doesnt need those big fan leaves twoards the end of flowering go to the pic gallery and look. every plant w/fat colas on it all the big leaves are yellow . peace


New Member
I've looked but I don't see any fat colas.

Don't worry about it... unless it gets any worse.

How are you watering? as I know that water hitting against the leaves while the lights are on can cause this sort of damage.


Active Member
Thank you so much for answering!!! I water with a watering can but make special efforts not to moisten the leaves. I keep them on my balcony which is partial shade 50-50 as the sun moves, but I live in USDA growing zone 10 so im a little scared it might be drought like conditions from the heat. Right now I have them at 14 hour night cycles.. would u be willing to venture a guess as to how much longer before harvest? I can post more pics if the answer is inconclusive. Thanks again so much!!


New Member
It depends on the strain. Usually 8-14 weeks flower. The purple stems is an indication that your plants need a little bit more nitrogen.