Yellowish Powder

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I don't know what you are feeding them, but it looks like they are just hungry...

It looks like they are ready to "take off" growing, and they are ready for a little bit more food.


Well-Known Member
the streaking of normal green is very defined-

did something get spilled on them? are you foliar feeding?


I don't know what you are feeding them, but it looks like they are just hungry...

It looks like they are ready to "take off" growing, and they are ready for a little bit more food.
How much you recommend and how often, i give them 2 cups or into water begins to runoff at the bottom every 4 days or the top 3 inches of soil is bone dry. Thanks for posting and help, first time indoor and it's got me spun with worry about the health of em 24/7


Well-Known Member
folar feeding with lights on or during daytime can leave spots but that looks like the beginning of necrosis aka lack of nitrogen / hungry . a deficiency perhaps , as im not familiar with the nutes ure using does it have chelated micro nutes in it if not find something that does . what strain if i may ask .


folar feeding with lights on or during daytime can leave spots but that looks like the beginning of necrosis aka lack of nitrogen / hungry . a deficiency perhaps , as im not familiar with the nutes ure using does it have chelated micro nutes in it if not find something that does . what strain if i may ask .
I did foliar fed them with the lights on a week ago, 2 out of 15 have it, so it might be that as for the strain it's bagseed ,I'm looking for a good nute ? useing FFOF / Just Right Xtra soil


This is my learning trial and error grow, so looking to learn from mine and others mistake's before i go to the next step. Here's what i have already as far equipment.
1-250W on a lumenaire 8
Picture 030.jpgPicture 029.jpgPicture 033.jpgPicture 031.jpgPicture 034.jpgPicture 035.jpg


Well-Known Member
i have used ffof and just right xtra. how old are your plants now? because im sure with a mix of the two your soil should have enough nute to get you to flower. i feed my girls the ff line.


Here's my first stupid question, do seeds from a female clone automatically make female seedlings. I started with 15 seeds, sprouted 15 plants when i told him(seed donor) about all of em sprouting. He asked what i'm going to do with 15 in such small tent, i would get rid of the male's when they started showing and keep the best 3-4 female's . He said they would be all females since the seeds came from his female clone's, is the correct?


Well-Known Member
Here's my first stupid question, do seeds from a female clone automatically make female seedlings. I started with 15 seeds, sprouted 15 plants when i told him(seed donor) about all of em sprouting. He asked what i'm going to do with 15 in such small tent, i would get rid of the male's when they started showing and keep the best 3-4 female's . He said they would be all females since the seeds came from his female clone's, is the correct?
only if the pollen was from the clone herself via self pollination. if it came from a male sex may vary.


Thank you, starts a whole new problem for me getting rid of excess plants. 15 plants in a 2'7"x2'7" tent isn't going to work


Well-Known Member
fuuuuuuck I jam as many of those bitch's under my lights as possible lol but been doin some calculations and think if I go bigger with less plants I can get the same yeild