Yemen and Syria are Killing their People, too


Well-Known Member
Yemen and Syria are killing their people too.

In what has been a very busy revolt media experience it is not fair to not point out that people are being killed who want to be free in two countries on our central radar screen.


Well-Known Member
There is a Bahrain thread.. Just posted that they tore down the huge statue because the people were using it as a symbol of freedom.

81 dead in Yemen. People shot in the head, neck and chest that may be from snipers.


Umm I care why? One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. Egypt and Tunisia both have a large, well educated (what should be a) middle class. Yemen does not. Yemen is the poorest country on the Arabian Peninsula. Since it is so poor the protesters are more likely to be of the fundamentalist muslim wingnut that thinks blowing himself up for his religion is good.

The one common theme that all these protests have, from Egypt to Yemen to Abu Dhabi is food prices have doubled over the last year. The reason food prices have doubled is the same reason gas is $3.50 a gallon; Wall Street speculators driving up prices. Not one fucking thing to do with actual, real supply and demand. At this time Wall Street provides NO function other than raping and plundering the world and making us pay.
it sickening that there are millions of hungry and homeless people right here in our own country. I can getting closer and closer to saying throw a wall around the country and lets work on us first, than maybe we can save the whole world in a decade.


Well-Known Member
Umm I care why? One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. Egypt and Tunisia both have a large, well educated (what should be a) middle class. Yemen does not. Yemen is the poorest country on the Arabian Peninsula. Since it is so poor the protesters are more likely to be of the fundamentalist muslim wingnut that thinks blowing himself up for his religion is good.

The one common theme that all these protests have, from Egypt to Yemen to Abu Dhabi is food prices have doubled over the last year. The reason food prices have doubled is the same reason gas is $3.50 a gallon; Wall Street speculators driving up prices. Not one fucking thing to do with actual, real supply and demand. At this time Wall Street provides NO function other than raping and plundering the world and making us pay.
You listen and believe whatever the media tells you don't you? The reason prices are going up is because the US Federal Reserve prints $6 Billion per day and buys treasuries which then causes INFLATION!!!!!!!! Nothing to do with Speculators, all to do with Inflation caused by the Fed. Smart people know inflation is coming and they invest in things that tend to hold their value against inflation.


Well-Known Member
There have been many more killed in Yemen.

The very poor people of a poor State.


Well-Known Member
Syria is killing their people!

I'm not going to lie I am overwhelmed trying to keep up with all the people "Getting up-Standing up for their rights."

Syria: Bashar al-Assad offers concessions to protesters for first time

Bashar al-Assad, Syria's autocratic president, was forced to offer political concessions for the first time on Thursday after his security forces failed to quell popular unrest despite killing at least 37 anti-government protesters.

Protesters drag away a bodies lieing in the street during a demonstration in Daraa Photo: REUTERS

By Adrian Blomfield, Middle East Correspondent 8:57PM GMT 24 Mar 2011

In scenes not seen in Syria for nearly 20 years, more than 20,000 protesters marched through the city of Daraa on Thursday, chanting slogans that denounced the Assad regime as "traitors".

Until last week, Syria's Baathist government had appeared immune to the political unrest sweeping the Middle East, its people too browbeaten to challenge a regime whose reputation for savage repression startled even in a region not known for its respect of human rights.

Protesters, undaunted by the bloodshed that had been visited on them only hours earlier at the hands of Mr Assad's security forces, bore the bodies of nine of the dead aloft in an angry funeral procession that threaded its way through streets strewn with rubble and bullet casings.

"Traitors do not kill their own people," they chanted in unison. "The blood of martyrs is not spilt in vain."

Throughout the previous night, Daraa had echoed to almost ceaseless gunfire as the security forces tried to flush protesters out of the makeshift headquarters in a city mosque.



Well-Known Member
President Saleh of Yemen has agreed to step down but wants to do it his way.
That may not work..

I tell ya, I can't keep up with the changes.

There were 50 protesters shot by snipers. Shot in their heads, necks and chests as they stood in the crowd.


Well-Known Member
Syrian government spokesmen say no one has died at the hands of police action yet the protesters say over 100 are dead.

Two men were reported to have been beaten and stabbed to death, The government said only one is dead and he had a heart attack before they ever got there.

So... Whew..


Well-Known Member
10's of Thousands protest in Yemen

According to march 25th's's news show ten's of thousands of Yemen protesters are demanding change.


Well-Known Member
It's getting Critical..

Many are being murdered..
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Libya, in spite of its oil treasures, is strictly a sideshow in the great game of nations. We should be keeping our eyes on highly strategic Syria, a potentially combustible nation of 22.5 million that lies at the very heart of what we call the Mideast. [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Sizeable demonstrations have erupted in the Syrian port city of Latakia, Homs, and in three smaller southern towns, including Daraa, where, during World War I, Lawrence of Arabia was captured and tortured by the Turks. There have been small demonstrations in the capital, Damascus. The tough Syrian army has been deployed in many urban areas.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]It was inevitable that the revolutions and uprisings sweeping across the Mideast would reach Syria, which has been ruled with an iron hand by the Asad family since 1970. Now, Syria’s neighbors are watching Syria’s gathering storm with a mixture of alarm and uncertainty. [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Syria has been isolated for over three decades. Damascus is under siege from the United States because of its opposition to Israel and championing of the Palestinians. US trade and arms sanctions have seriously damaged Syria’s weak economy and military forces. [/FONT]


Well-Known Member
it sickening that there are millions of hungry and homeless people right here in our own country. I can getting closer and closer to saying throw a wall around the country and lets work on us first, than maybe we can save the whole world in a decade.
Wow! I've seen your posts many times, but I think you hit the head on the nail. (intentional)

I feel sorry for other countries, but we're so far from perfect that I find our inter-nation policies disgusting.

In an era where we're still fighting for the right to put what we will in our own bodies why is our focus on other countries freedom. I truely believe that the best way to lead is by example, and it scares me that the rest of the world will follow our example. Please understand that other countries don't have it as good as we do, but to lead by example we need to make ourselves better. Right now it seems that we say say we're better, without ever realising that we can be better.


Well-Known Member
Is American Interests = to Foreign policy because of money?

No profit in social services but there is in foreign oil and resources.


Active Member
Israel is really enjoying this aren't they?

Are you kidding. Israel is scared right now. An unstable middle east is not in Israel's best interest. All this leaves the door wide open for Muslim extremists to take over. I tell you what, there will be a new Islamic super nation by the time this is all over with. World war 3 is just around the corner. Brace yourselves.


Well-Known Member
I don't know.. Mubarak was pro Israel and Gaddifi I understand made some deals when Iraq started and even got the Lochabee bomber out of jail and cut some deals. So he was not an issue for Israel I believe.

I think the political landscape is still forming.

I hope we finally get a country we Americans can vacation in without being kidnapped out of our help.
Would be cool if Weed is legal there. I hope they legalize!


Well-Known Member
Are you kidding. Israel is scared right now. An unstable middle east is not in Israel's best interest. All this leaves the door wide open for Muslim extremists to take over. I tell you what, there will be a new Islamic super nation by the time this is all over with. World war 3 is just around the corner. Brace yourselves.
Dude, Every other country HATES Israel, the entire middle east is the enemy of Israel. Israel is getting lots of other countries to fight its wars for them ultimately leading up to a war with their biggest enemy of all, Iran!! Israel has 200 Nuclear weapons and they WILL NOT allow the Mullahs to have nuclear, even if it is only used for power generation. Like you said WW3 is just waiting to happen.


Well-Known Member
Syrian president Assad makes speech blaming Conspiracies and Satellite news for the unrest.

Assad was concerned with foreign forces aimed at Syria.

The result of his speech seems to be more Syrians calling for this Assad to step down.

Sounds a little Gadaffi to me.


Well-Known Member
USA is worried they will have to start the predator drone program up in Yemen again as the revolution advances.

The USA stopped bombing Yemeni people when we killed a Government official.