Yes, I am a Newbie that needs advice.


I am new to growing, and I want to know all the tricks in the book, so to speak. I want to know the best ways to construct a grow box, the best way to obtain large yields from only several plants(4-6). Any advice I can get would be appreciated. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
spend some time reading, ask questions about things that seem confusing or that you don't understand, everything you need to know is here. Asking a question like the one you have is gonna get you either no response or a bunch of bad opinions. The more threads you read posted by the many experienced growers here will give you a good foundation to get your grow on.

I invite to read the threads in my sig, you will find them full of good info as well as good people that hang out in them


I would suggest reading as well. Perhaps, look into Jorge Cervantez grow bible... Or, even Youtube if your not much of a reader. Watch all the beginner grow videos. There is a bunch of free info out there. Also, Google is your friend. Search "how to construct grow box" and viola... Good luck bud


Well-Known Member
Listen to the guys above read read...i read one the other day how do i grow weed thats a big question...happy growing


Well-Known Member
I am a new grower also (on my second grow) the best advice I can give you is experience will teach you read,read,read. I have spent countless hours designing my grow room and have watched other peoples grows on here to choose what methods work the best and what I am trying to acheive. You need to worry about type of lighting, the space required for your plants will height be an issue? will heat be an issue? and many other variables so you see this question can not just be anwsered with a quick response. Best of luck to you and keep growing peace


Active Member
Practice makes perfect. While it might be nice to get the best setup right from the start, you'll find it best to build your grow room as you start this hobby. Start some plants and have those going and practicing with them all while you are reading threads and posts helping you learn different techniques. No one can tell you all the answers in a single reply...gotta go and search for some info. RIU is a great resource as I've used it for years.


Lol I have been reading for 2 months now and still plan on killing the first round of plants... read read read then see what you can do I guess. I will know if I'm right in a few months cause seeds on there way now.


Well, dont plan on that! I can give a pretty simple guide to NOT killing your first plants.

Germinate = moist paper towel, not drenched, put into a zip lock with an opening for air. put in room temp, dark spot. within 2-3 days they should pop.

Plant the popped seed with the tap root (white root exiting seed) pointed down and growing into the soil or medium about 1/4 under the medium(i use fox farm ocean forest, never burned a plant or seedling). Make sure medium is kept pretty moist, not drenched. It will sprout.

Put it under lights, CLFs are cheap and Metal halide and HPS are expensive but worth it. 50 watts/sq foot is ideal. 2x2 grow space = 200Watts Jut a genaral Idea, not exact.

Using Fox farm you dont NEED to feed nutes during first 30 days, or during your veg. Some may argue, but I have done it time and time again with NOOO problems, so they can say what they want. of course you can and should if possible. Once you hit flower, pick up the fox farm nutrient line including the additives like cha ching and beastie bloomz and yada yada. When you induce flowering, start with 1/2 str. feeding and move up slowly with each feeding to avoid nute burn. I feed once, next I give phed water, then feed once, then phed water. basically feed every other watering. I check the crystals on the buds to be milky/amber, NOT ALL CLEAR, and this when it is time to chop.

As far as drying and curing you have plenty of time to do that research, but some KEY notes.
PH = around 6.0-6.5 for soil I think is ideal, I stick to 6.3 with no issues of nutrient lockout.
soil = when top layer is dry stick your finger in to second knuckle, if you feel any moisture they do not need water. If it is completely dry, it should be watered.

good luck


Well-Known Member
damn I'm currently in FF soil and have fed twice so far in week 2 and 3 and guess what they are growing like beast but I would never use FF nutes prolly why I'm having such a good grow, go figure


Active Member
All the above are right, I'm on my 1st grow and I read on here everyday. That's the best thing to do "JUST READ" and you'll figure it out. I used Root Riot cubes to germinate and it was easy with no probs! Alot easier then using twizers to pick the seed up once it pops open.
Good Luck