Yieldmonger Seeds Have Arrived At Chosen Seeds - Get 15% Off With Your Exclusive Discount Code


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Happy Hump Day one and all!

We have a new seed bank (and therefore new seeds) that we're extremely excited about.

The mission statement from the folks over at Yieldmonger Seeds is direct, devoid of pomp and bravado, and gets straight to the (extremely exciting point). Self-billed as a ‘long-lasting collaboration of professional breeders and cannabis experts from Europe and the USA’, they have two main objectives.
  1. To track down and secure the best cannabis genetics
  2. To breed those elusive genetics with an aim to producing consistently increased yield
They keep it short and simple because they understand that in the world of cannabis genetics, you can either do a a few things extremely well or lots of things to an OK level. And those two bullets are things that we can confirm are done extremely well on their end. Specialists are arguably the most important type of breeder in the sometimes overwhelming world of cannabis seeds; there’s something so zen-inducing about being able to search for strains knowing exactly what to expect, secure in the understanding that there will be a guaranteed level of quality involved there too. Yieldmonger Seeds dons that lofty status comfortably

To get 15% off their entire range, simply pop in your exclusive RollItUp code featured in the image at checkout.

Have a great week guys.

Chosen Seeds


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