"You boys aren't going to grow weed are yah?"


Well-Known Member
Thats what the damn lady in walmart said when I came out after buying a big 3 galon pot along with some organic potting soil. I was with my friend who is a hippie with long hair, which is probley the reason she asked. But still, it pisses me off that she said something like that loud enough for everyone around us to hear. All i said was "what a nut" and she got very offended and called us potheads. We smoked some herb a little earlier before we got in the pool, so i know i didnt smell like it. And now i feel as if some way people are able to tell. I'm just going to call it a lucky guess. How do you think you would have reacted to such an accusation. And yes I'm starting a grow that i think with yeild about 2-3 dry ounces.:weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
I woulda said something random and very loud. I forgot who said it but I'd be like "Woah lady YOU SMOKE DRUGS?!?!"...then she'd stfu:mrgreen: Maybe just put a peace sign in front of your mouth an lick in between your fingers(LMFAO) while staring into her eyes? If anyone asks what your doing just be like "yea....she wanted it"*walk away*.:peace:

edit:Yeah I'd be pissed. I'd straight light up a blunt a burn her ass with it! Not really...but I'd think about it...


Well-Known Member
i think i wouldve called her a bitch. really, i wouldve, who is she to accuse you of something like that in a public place.


Well-Known Member
I woulda said its fo my grams or suthin like dat. Never wanna make a scene tho.

She was crazy fo dat one.
I think she got da impression cause ya boy was wit u no disrespect.


Well-Known Member
I would've politely reminded her that she works at wal-mart, and walk away chuckling.

Seriously though, I would've asked to speak with her manager, explained to him the situation--that I was shopping for my agoraphobic and terminally ill grandmother and had a heinous accusation tossed at me in his store--and suggest that he comp my purchase in lieu of a civil action for slander. Then after he refunded my money I'd say to my buddy, "C'mon brother lets go grow some reefer!" and make my way casually exit, making sure I tell the cashier to enjoy her company health insurance and benefits on the way out.


Well-Known Member
I woulda said something random and very loud. I forgot who said it but I'd be like "Woah lady YOU SMOKE DRUGS?!?!"...then she'd stfu:mrgreen: Maybe just put a peace sign in front of your mouth an lick in between your fingers(LMFAO) while staring into her eyes? If anyone asks what your doing just be like "yea....she wanted it"*walk away*.:peace:...

lmao i want to go shopping with you...


Active Member
I would've politely reminded her that she works at wal-mart, and walk away chuckling.

Seriously though, I would've asked to speak with her manager, explained to him the situation--that I was shopping for my agoraphobic and terminally ill grandmother and had a heinous accusation tossed at me in his store--and suggest that he comp my purchase in lieu of a civil action for slander. Then after he refunded my money I'd say to my buddy, "C'mon brother lets go grow some reefer!" and make my way casually exit, making sure I tell the cashier to enjoy her company health insurance and benefits on the way out.
Full of win.


Well-Known Member
Yeah? Well I woulda cock slapped her. straight dropped dick on that bitches face!...is it bad that I laugh at my own jokes?:mrgreen::peace:
Yeah. An' then I'd poke in the eye with a sharp stick...it's a cruel world...

:mrgreen: bongsmilie

You could have said, "Why, is this what you use?"


Well-Known Member
i think i wouldve called her a bitch. really, i wouldve, who is she to accuse you of something like that in a public place.
i just read the thread where you said bitch was your favorite curse word...

i would have told her i was and asked her if she wanted some...i guess im friendly though