the art of cloning and dwarfing is something i worked very hard to achive, i have tried to keep my plants mature as you can see but super small. this is only good for so long. but what you do is set your plant up to flower, so why not do it right.
this plant was cloned and placed in low light that will usually cause it to stress and strech. the use of selected carbs and amino acids have sustained this clone it has be in the soil 1 day (from first signs of rooting). these are rooted in rockwool as i use some in soil and some in flood and drain.
I hope to be as good as you when I grow up.
Seriously you talents are certainly showing here in those clones.
Alot of people have trouble with them.
I certainly agree the more mature the plant that the cuttings are coming from the better the clone will be.
This also makes it easier to root and easier all around to handle and grow the clones.
so at first you got this little cute plant, well you need vigor to set in so as soon as its rooted in the new medium get the nutes in as fast as your girls can take em. this is the vigor at day 13 in soil and ready to go 12 12 and make me a big ole bush