YOU GOT TO SEE THIS! 2 INCH, 4 MONTH old autoplant. Now What??


I started 3 autos indoors on 8 CFL's. in 5 gallon pots. I kinda figured earlier they werent growing correctly, I couldn't figure why. I felt it was a combination of heat and maybe the soil. I was advised not to transplant autos due to that shock would stop growth in its tracks. So I decided to finish the plants outside buy digging holes and putting the pots in the ground. Well they actually began to grow better (if you can believe it). But this is what we got, they looked like 5 day old seedlings after three weeks, before I moved them outdoors. I'm using organic nutrients, which because of their age I had no mercy on them and fed them a small amount of vegging fertilizer at half strength, and they are doing better, Though one of the plants is beginning to flower, which is about 6 inches tall, and was always slightly larger then the other two, which are in the picture. I have two questions for these plants. I believe the soil was the issue because, I have two other plants growing indoors with new soil and they are growing great.

1. on my 6 inch plant that is beginning to flower, should I feed another 1/2 dose of vegging fertilizer this week to get a little more size and switch to flowering the next or should I start flowering nutes this week?

2. On my 2 inch plants (in the picture) should I take the advice and not transplant the auto or should I transplant in new soil? Or should I just let them be? These plants are showing no signs of sex (feminized seeds).



Active Member
um well it looks like you planted them in gravel? and second no way these are 4months old more like 2-4 weeks. And thirdly if what you are saying is true and they are 4months old then you sir have the opposite of a green thumb. I would had just left them where they were, no need to stress the plant cause u want your weed tomorrow. Either do it right or dig it out and smoke the plant then


You aren't gonna get a good bag outta that man. What kinda autos are they? Start some other plants bro, or you will be waitin for something that's probably not gonna happen.even if they tripled


Wow! I see people don't read the threads. lol. These plants are hidden in the ground people, covered with regular soil, use your imagination. The plants are in a 5gal pot with roots organic soil with 1/3 pearlite. Is anyone going to take a stab at the questions?, I would greatly appreciate it.
I've got a friend with a similiar case. He has an autoflower thats just over a month old. Is about 10cm high max. odd number of leaves, some bigger than others, and a bunch of white hairs on the top... strange...


Well-Known Member
dude thats time i checked u need something called dirt..its black..comes in all sort of bags .. heck its even in the ground...but not there!


All I'm sayin is somethins wrong, maybe......... I don't even know dude the genetics must be junk or they've starved or something, here's another small tundromatic that started to flower in some CRAPPY soil outside in Alaska, in SEPTEMBER. Do yerself a favor and try some different genetics???



Well-Known Member
No nutes, too dry poor soil. Looks like your growing on the moon. Get some mulch around it at least.


Well-Known Member
I think he said he buried 5 gallon pots with good soil under that shitty/crappy/hard/dirt driveway looking crap...