You wanna get burnt or buried!

buddha webb

New Member
Thats not a threat,,any opinions as to whether you want to be cremated or buried? or maybe cryogenically stored,or placed inside a fish??ever given it a thought??.....


Well-Known Member
I'm not really religious or anything but I was kinda thinking about this a bit.

What if the only way of moving on in the after life was to return your body to the sea of life that covers this planet?

Humans are pretty selfish in wanting to live forever and having their remains preserved and mummified.

What if doing that eternally locked your soul/spirit to your body never allowing it to move on?

Sorry, just stoner thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Each human is a load on nature to grow up. We all cause carbon emissions... From the food we manufacture, transport, eat to the power we use to light our rooms and sooo on. Then JUST to top it off, we come up with the bullshit of burning our bodies and releasing more carbon...

Whys that, scared of going in the maggot farm?

IMO we all go in the fucking compost heap...


Well-Known Member
Something like this...



Ursus marijanus
Each human is a load on nature to grow up. We all cause carbon emissions... From the food we manufacture, transport, eat to the power we use to light our rooms and sooo on. Then JUST to top it off, we come up with the bullshit of burning our bodies and releasing more carbon...

Whys that, scared of going in the maggot farm?

IMO we all go in the fucking compost heap...
I like the idea of being composted myself ... however with the life I've led that heap would lose its Organic cert. cn

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i've thought of donating my body to science. i don't really know what they would do when they were finished with me, nor do i care.

i just like the idea that my death could lead to a new discovery or help prepare the next generation for a medical career.
there's a lot to be learned from dead bodies that could never be studied while the person was alive.

fuck the burden of leaving loved ones in thousands of dollars in debt for some funeral and fancy casket and shit. they can leave flowers in the lab parking lot for all i give a shit.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i want to be buried then suddenly wake up to find im 6 feet under the ground in a coffin with only a bit of air left arggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg