You wont vote Lib Dems after reading this


New Member
Take a read of this link and leave ur comments wether for or against.

Cannabis Seeds (Prohibition): 9 Jul 2008: House of Commons debates (
I should point out that I do not support the Government's bid to reclassify cannabis. They should have accepted the findings of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, which recognised that cannabis was dangerous but stated that it was not as dangerous as other drugs in category B.

~Tom Brake Carshalton & Wallington, Liberal Democrat

Yeah! Run him out of town!
Well, fight the good fight, our British counterparts. It is already illegal here in the states. We have pretty draconian drug laws here. Crack cocain possession is adjudicated at 5 times the penalty as powdered cocaine, same stuff, different form. I believe it is a racial thing gone wild as Crack started out in the ghettos (Black neighborhoods), and the law has always been harder on Blacks.