young plant issues


It's now day 11 since my plants have broken surface I had 3 growing under 8 23w 6000k cfls.
In a 70/30 coco perlite mix using 5.5 to 6.0 pH water

2 out of the 3 I transplanted from jiffy cups 3 days ago due to roots breaking threw the sides.

I was using 1ml per gal of bio root every few days witch seems to being working great till 1 got some nuet burn and stopped with nuts from that point now 4 days later. I was watering them 2 times a day using a small dropper giving about 5ml of water. Everything the jiffy pot felt dry

Currently I have lost 1 plant to heat stress. I belive I now have that under control.

So my question is now I have 1 plant that looks like it's over or underwater. And the other has 1 small rust spot. Rust spit in the pic is hard to see I'll update with a better pic soon lights have been moved up since these pics.

.20140604_230412.jpg 20140604_230405.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks over watered to me IMO, I don't think you should need too many nutes the first couple weeks. I think I see a little burned tip on the leaf in the top pic. What is the distance of the light to the top of the plant? Try to move it about 6" away for floros for a few days until it recovers. With seedlings and floro lights you shouldn't have to water everyday


Well-Known Member
YOU NEED TO FEED!!!! THEY ARE HUNGRY NOT BURNT. It's heat stress your seeing.

Coco is inert. Once your plant has that set of single blades and it's working on it's 3 blade set they need food, not when the coytolons are falling off.

If you keep it under 200ppm you won't burn her, garunteed. My tap is 230, mostly cal and mag and it's NEVER burnt anything. I've never burnt anything at any stage in life under 300ppm.

How is your plant suppose to grow without any nutrients.

It's the soil guys who get away with not feeding for a week or two. Rockwool, coco, hydroton need food almost immediately. I start at 150ppm (using ro water) 100ppm cal/mag and 50ppm grow as soon as the break ground and the result is plants that get off to a great strong start. By 14 days they are getting 150ppm cal/mag and 150-200ppm grow.

I tried not doing it like this and the results speak for themselves. I HATE when I see people telling other people not to give their seedlings(in an inert medium like coco) food.

That's like having a baby and saying, "oh it doesn't need food for a week or two".

If you really do some reseach about inert mediums you will see that they need food once they are working on their set of 3 blade leaves.


Well-Known Member
I've done this in coco for a long time. Do yourself a favor and feed those things! If you don't they will keep getting a lighter shade of green(which they are already telling you they want nitrogen!) and stay stunted. 14 days from breaking ground you should be much further along.


Well-Known Member
From seed in coco you should have a big ass established plant in one month. Not feeding for a couple weeks only sets you back a couple weeks. They might stay alive but they barely grow. It's why so many newer growers struggle with the seedling stage.

Your also in WAY to big of a container. Party cups or something similar should be used for seedlings so they can get a proper watering cycle. In coco you want to be watering a minimum every other day at this stage. Everytime you water in coco it draws fresh o2 into the root zone. Using a smaller container lets you water more frequently at this stage. Letting a few days go by inbetween waterings in coco is a recipe for disaster.

Transplan them into party or one gal containers, feed them approx 100-200ppm, first watering every other day and in a week they will look like different plants.

Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Before anyone says they don't need food, he's in COCO and perlite. So they do need food, this isn't my opinion. If you don't feed them they feed off themselves and 'survive' instead of forming new growth. That's why not feeding in coco for the first couple weeks is counter productive. The seedling barely grows, and then in a week or two when newer growers start feeding them they explode-they just listen to what people say in these forums, the plant stays alive for the first two weeks, so they don't realize their plant could of been twice the size at the same time.

I have done side by sides enough to know that feeding immediately is the only way to go, just keep your ppm very low and gradually work your way up. If you don't feed seedlings in coco anything but water they will survive for about 2-3 weeks before they die.


Well-Known Member
And dont' forget about humidity at this stage. If your temps are above 75 your humidity should be 60%+. If your humidity is below 50 I find seedlings aren't happy and it doesn't take much for the lights to burn them.


Ty for all the good information. I found it difficult to find such information on Google. Now when you refer to ppm your using the salt tester? Sadly at I do not have 1 of those.

I currently have the go go box.
I mixed a recent batch together in 1 gal of 6.0ph water of
1ml. Calmag/bio root/bio weed/bio thrive/
