Your favorite way to clone - Plz post :)


Active Member
Getting ready to clone 30 babies and I'm just looking for some feedback on some favorite cloning techniques. I've read about aero..bubble..cloning gel into soil...rockwool. etc. I understand there can be alot of way to do it, I'm looking for the easiest :) hahaha of course. What I'm thinking I might use so far is cloning gel, into soil in solo cups, then in trays under humidity domes, with 4 t12's, and 4 t8's. Spray em at least once a day. Any advice or ideas? How many people use a heating pad under they're cloning trays to keep the temp up? Are some of those pre-made cloning set-ups worth the money? If they are I'll just buy one of those. Thanks for your input.


Well-Known Member
............................jiffys n doff rooting powder, snip - dip - place in jiffy in propogator or dome, mist every day and swop air , and 2 weeks roots burst ;)


Well-Known Member
I didn't have much luck cloning until I switched from rockwool cubes to Jiffy Pellets. I've since figured out that juggling
moisture content is more difficult with the cubes.

A. Wet pellets with hot water until they are completely saturated.
B. Squeeze out as much water from the pellets as you can.
C. Take a large cutting, 8 inches or so.
D. Trim cutting to 5-6 inches with slanted cut.
E. Use screwdriver to make hole in pellet.
F. Dip stem in cloning gel for 60 seconds. (cloning powders can form a cap and kill the clone)
G. Push trimmed cutting into pellet and wrap a small rubberband around the middle of the pellet.
H. Place pellet with cutting into first plastic cup with holes in bottom for drainage.
I. Place holed cup into non-holed same type of cup.
J. Place in dome for 6-10 days.

I start checking for roots around day 5 in the dome. Most, 90%, show roots between day 6 and 8. The
rubberband trick in G keeps the pellet firmly wrapped around the clone stem. If the stem is not firmly imbedded
in the pellet your clone will merely "float" in the pellet and never root.

Moisture control is the most important factor in learning to clone. After a bit you will be able to tell immediately
if your media is too wet or too dry. It is important that the dome used show condensation 24/7. Every time you check
them you should see the inside of the dome frosty. That means keep an inch or so of water standing in the dome. This 100%
humid environment is neccessary to properly hydrate plants that have no roots. Remember my clones are in 2 cups? Every
2 or 3 days I lift out the cup with the holes in the bottom and dip it quickly into a cup of water. The pellet soaks up enough
water in a couple seconds to last it another couple of days. I check the dome several times a day and "burp" it each time. I
just remove the top so new air can enter the dome. I also mist the clones each time I burp them.

This is the method that I have found works best for me. I mostly run indicas through my rooms so you sativa-lovers may
need to add a day or 2 to my times. Sativas are slower to clone and grow. P.S. -- lately I've been growing and cloning
Kushage from T.H.Seeds. Easy to clone.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
If you never want to mess around with cloning, just dish out the extra money for an ez cloner. I got 30/30 Jack herrer clones to start rooting in 4 days, fully rooted in 8. I always made my own cloners before and had below par results, and Now I never worry about clones again. It's a good feeling.


Well-Known Member
Man, I don't get really technical with a surgically sterilized razor blade and all the fancy rooting cubes everyone talks up so much... I just take my trusty old trimmin scissors, cut off a nice shoot, dip it in rooting hormone powder, and gently insert it into a perlite heavy, peat mix, thatz pretty neutral and weak as far as any nutes go... And water as usual, under 24/0, and when they start to take root, I switch to 18/6, and begin LIGHT feeding regimins, and veg em out until I get em to the size I want and then switch nutes around, and go under 12/12... Pretty str8forward... Some strains r just simply harder to clone than others... No matter what u do... I do not use humidity domes either...


Well-Known Member
I use an aero cloner, 7-8 days normally has me ready to plant. I just set it up in the corner of my veg area and called it good. No heating pad, vents on the dome open for air flow, some clonex, and flower nutes in the res (Knocked a couple days off my rooting time.).


Active Member
Awesome guys, thanks so much for the info.
@Bigsteve - Love the breakdown man, that was EXACTLY what I was looking for. What lighting regimen do you use while cloning?


Active Member
Okie Dokie Folks were back from Delta9Labs(not the seed co. even though we love them) lately me and my lovely apprentice have been posting a few of our lab grade "secrets" with the people of the interweb :) hahaha
Now we don't think were the best growers, nor have we been growing for 40 years. We just love to get down into the whole botany (plant biology) aspect of plants. SCIENCE IS FUN.....:roll:

Today we thought we would sit down and have our coffee and nibble on our cookie treats with everyone on "" and share some of our trade secrets.

Now we understand every strain and even phenotype, clones at it's own specific rate. It may take anywhere from 6-20 days to clone a cutting. We thought we would share our method of cloning which usually takes 7-8 days to fully root and ready for their next step. We all know that you need to maintain a certain temperature and humidity for cloning. With that in mind lets get started.

1. first we start with 100% sterilized equipment. Everything from your trays to your razor, to the gloves your about to put on must be clean and sterile.
1a. our method of cleaning the tools is a 50/50 solution of ISO and boiled tap water. dip your tools in and let dry. then same process but with H2O2 and let dry.
2. we like to sit next to the mother and take one clone off at a time (this prevents oxygen from entering the cells and essentially killing your plants (same thing with getting oxygen in your veins)
3. once you take your cutting with a sharp razor (angle your cut so you have a larger volume of area for the roots to develop from) start to lightly scrape your bottom stack so you create even more spots for the roots to shoot out of.
4. you then want to dip your stalk into a rooting powder or gel (powders is more sterile). try and cover all the scraped parts with the gel or powder.
5. depending on what type of cloning media you decide to choose you may have to either let your rock wool soak over night or what we do is let our jiffy pellets sit in a solution of root simulators for about 10 minutes prior to beginning the cutting process.
6. now gently but firmly push your clone into the cloning media and make sure you pat down on the top so your stalk is in no way loose, you want the media to FULLY and FIRMLY cover your entire stalks bottom half that you had dipped into the cloning gel or powder.
7. the rock wool or jiffy pellets should not be drenched but they should be wet.
8. label and place your clones in a "mondi" tray. You want to make sure non of the clones are touching, so go out and purchase more trays and domes if you must (only real risk we find in cloning is when the leaf touches another leaf, they can create diseased clone)
9. now that you have your clones labels and spaced correctly, you want to grab a spray bottle and mist your clones VERY lightly with mist and also FULLY mist the inside and the dome and then close and SEAL (make sure you do this) with tape. every single corner so its a little "bubble". also make sure the top slides are shut.
10. place under light and a cloning mat, and DO NOT OPEN IT until they have cloned. (we open our tops every other day for just a second and stick a c02 nozzle in then close the tops again. we try to replace the stale air, lol blowing into the tops also works if you don't have a nozzle in the clone area, just make sure you re seal after)
11. temps should be around 88F and 90-100% humidity

We believe there is two reasons why they clone so fast
1. the root simulators
2. making sure they have a perfect environment to root in, this means temp/humi/cleanliness all factor in for one great result

The strain we use, is notorious for rooting slowly, and we are always ready in 7-9 days MAX.

We love you all and hope you all enjoyed reading this and hope you picked up a few tips.