Your opinions on Vaporizing


Active Member

Just wanted to ask you all your opinions on vaporizing. I used to have an old school conduction vaporizer; and it used a lot of bud and never really gave me the results. Then I tried a whip type convection unit homemade by a friend of mine, again with poor results. So I am thinking all vaporizers just won't give me the same effect as smoking; but I thought I'd ask other smokers their opinions. I do notice an undesired affect on my throat/sinuses from smoking and would like to find an alternative.

What about a convection unit with a forced air/bag unit; like the volcano but cheaper. I am thinking about the vapir air one 5.0. Has anyone tired this vape?

What are your experiences with vapes? Can you ever achieve the same effect as smoking?

Thanks everybody!!!


Well-Known Member
I have a cheap box vape. I turn it on, set it to 384, and wait fifteen minutes for total heat-up. Drop bud into the glass tube, slide it over the heated glass tube to make a chamber, and toke gently. What would get two people stoned in a bong gets four people high in the vape. It only cost me $100.

Kinda like that, same general design, looks a little different and mine has the temp adjust knob with digital readout on the front.

I use the vape when I have more than three people in the crib, it's just that much easier and smells less.


Well-Known Member
I have the volcano kit with a heat gun as the base unit. Thanks to FDD I paid just over 200$ for what is pretty much a volcano. We hardly every get lit any other way now. It is worth it. The high is by far better than any other vape I have tried and my set up goes toe to toe with my friends volcano. Thats my 2cents.


Active Member
I didn't notice this, but the higher temperature's seem to be worse for the highs. I was using 380F for awhile, and I turned it down to 370F last night. Those ten degrees gave me a substantially stronger high.


Digi-Vapor: Sideways volcano pretty much. I vape my weed at 270, up to three or four bags, and increase the temp. by 15 every new bag. I get stoned twice as long and feel relaxed even longer after the high is gone. I never feel my weed is getting wasted because all of my already vaped weed is going into edibles. :)

But I still love my two foot bong. Nothing lets me achieve greats heights like my bong. 8D

Paid $160 for what it said to be better than a volcano because it's sideways (says Punjab), and is made very sturdy with all metal. Gotta love a volcano at a quarter the cost.


Active Member
Well I agree with the author here, I tried homemade units and have tryed making one myself and felt like i wasted the weed on that idea, I never got high and was worse that smoking on my throat. Are the bought vaporizes really worth it? Must need to get the persise temp for inhilation?


Active Member
I think my Volcano was worth every penny. I've had it for 7 years and is still going strong. It has taken likcing and keeps on kickin. I've been to parties and smoked a couples oz a night with it. I used to cart it aroundin the box it came in till that fell apart. I bought the hard case and that was totally worth it as well. The only people who didnt fall in love with it were haters or blunt smokers. The high is alot better for first tokes of the day. The high is usually less noticable if you have been burning cannabis all day. Vaporizing all day will dry your throat out just as much as smoking. My dad is oldschool and thinks vaporizing takes too long. "I can medicated before you even start. If your serious about medicating have you looked into bho vaporizing? Oil rigs can be cheaper than a volcano and get the job done faster stronger.


Well-Known Member
I bought a Magic flight launch box for its portability and lack of smell

I recommend it 100%

You could smoke it in a police station its so inconspicuous


Well-Known Member
Vapes are good,
Definitely worth it...As long as you don't buy a brand new Volcano, that's not worth it, but it is the best...They just price them so high...

But vapes are awesome. :D


Well-Known Member
I bought a Magic flight launch box for its portability and lack of smell

I recommend it 100%

You could smoke it in a police station its so inconspicuous
I just don't like that those barely get hot.
You have to push the battery in,
And the tube isn't glass, so the vape resin sticks to it, and you can never clean it off...

I have definitely used them successfully though,
And they ARE very small, sneaky, and cheap :D


Active Member

My favorite vapo i ever used, expensive but worth it. First time i used it I got soo high, almost felt like my first time.
Also I find it saves on hacking and big bong rips.