

Your definitely a Ganja-Head if you dont have the munchies and pictures of peoples crops still make your mouth water(:

Although its ironic, because being stoned gives you the big CMS ( Cotton Mouth Syndrome), but who gives a hell, your guys' babies are making me sad ):

I was growing earlier this season and i was just hitting a good point in my Veg State where my crop was Noding like hell and fans were popping everywhere... Than like the greatness of the damn SouthEast fucking tropical storms brought in massive rainpours that were un-necessary and impossible to work with, therfore drowning my little baby into her misery causing me to pull her and dispose.

But of course i was an outdoor grower. Love nature.. Also love the idea of Indoor and im HIGHLY interested but its hard when you dont have your own place to have such a beautiful setup. And not only that but all the scents and noises and shit just gets me offguard, so for now i work with goodole air and sunshine and pure rain.. and of course nutrients..

Its good to see this forum up and running. I know alot of other Bud Sites are slow going but this one has new posts every couple of minutes and its interesting to see, along with new threads with new pictures of new harvests'..

I shall soon grow again and be involved in all of this greatness, as i find actual peace and serenity while growing, and it excites me to see plant growth. But then again its very much work. These are not at all plants that you plant and come back in a couple of months to harvest.. Though i know a strain called ''Kaya Gold'' is a very very tough plant and is naturally resistant to pesticides and very rugged and can withstand harsh conditions and very rough climates/ downpours.

I started out with bagseed, and although i would be germinating as we speak, im quite sure its too cold for a crop to survive. And being in the southeast, the summer and spring brings great weathering, but the winters also bring harsh cold whether that could kill a mother plant in just a few hours..

I will soon be back into all of this and cant wait to start a grow journal of my own. If anyones interested i have some pictures of my past grow before it died. But dont wet yourselfs as in was nothing big.





I also realize i was not doing a very good job. Although my plants were very healthy, they were as you guys call ''leggy'' which means the are very large in height to reach the light they need. It was not the very best place, at ALL to grow, as this was my first attempt, but with many months to spare, ive found a great place that is exposed to the daily light cycle from rising in the east to setting in the west. I did grow fond of her though, theres actually a connection to people and their plants as i experienced.

I shall grow soon again.. i will keep you guys updated. Great work on the crops guys.