i don't have links, but this can all be supported... since someone asked for information, lol
I read pot smoke has hundred of compounds , and many are known to cause cancer
I've read we exhale most of the smoke
but the actives are absorbed within a few seconds, so no need to ghost hits
vapor takes longer to be absorbed (~20 secs.)
studies point to the idea that pot smokers don't get cancer, UNLESS they smoke analogs or used to for a long time, then all bets are off
cilia are paralyzed by nicotine, preventing normal lung self-cleaning
if you don't smoke analogs your lungs will naturally cleanse themselves
and they're cleansing themselves all the time, that's why people who smoke analogs get cancer of the pancreas so much (pls switch to "swedish snus" & e-cigarette)
picture in the OP - at least you exhaled that isht, so it didn't stay in your lungs (i'm sure the other percentage puts a load on the system, it's gotta move all the crap to the other end of the train)
i think i read you exhale about 80-90%, not sure
EDIT (to add pictures):
this is a small bowl, eight or nine hits vaped through two sheets of Charmin, 20 secs each,
vapor was visible on most exhales
resin's there, just not black or brown
w/o flash
with flash
8 hits (maybe nine, hehe)
you have to save your "already been vaped" stuff since you can't get everything off of it, so brownies, cupcakes, firecrackers, bhang soy milk, peanut brittle, peanut fudge, peanut butter, cannabutter, canna oil, greendragon, tinctures, for small batches swamp water.
i'd post a picture of what my e-cigarette leaves, but the cinnamon i'm vaping in that would just look clear
did you know in sweden they process their tobacco different from everywhere else - so it doesn't cause cancer - it's not a secret - it's in small pouches at certain cigar shops in the US (General Snus is one)... So, there are safer ways of doing stuff, but relatively a light to moderate pot smoker who doesn't smoke analogs doesn't have to worry from what my pot doc says, and what i've read (no in forums)