
  1. Rollin In The Derp

    Auto-flower grow

    Brand New to RIU, first post and first documented grow. First and foremost, shout out to forums like this as it would be near impossible to learn without all the different people sharing experiences (caveat that nothing beats personal experience, so get out there and don't be afraid to fail.) I...
  2. blacspiral

    24/7 to much light for autos?

    I'm growing 9 white widow autos.. I'm in for soil 75/25 mix happy frog and ocean forest.. 5 gal buckets... have not added nutes at all... germinated on 11/20 .. fan leaves started to roll up like a taco.. not heat issue.. plants have never seen 80 degrees.. running 1000 D.E. yield lab hps and 2...