advice black widow

  1. SmknBuddha

    Light Burn or Deficiency? (FEMINIZED BLCK WIDOW)

    No major explanations needed I'm sure it's possible to be burn from the lighting or defiencey..but being as I am a newbie; I'm still unsure.. and afraid that my plant may not make it? Is it possible to turn this around ? The pics taken are from the 23rd of this month.. 18/6 hr light schedule/...
  2. SmknBuddha

    Possible Leaf Burn or Deficiency?

    No major explanations needed I'm sure it's possible to be burn from the lighting or defiencey..but being as I am a newbie. I'm still unsure.. and afraid that my plant may not make it? Is it possible to turn this around ? The pics taken are from the 23rd of this month.. 18/6 hr light schedule/...