air cooled hood

  1. grimplestix

    I air cooled my 800w California Lightworks LED

    So I have come into possession of a California Lightworks solar system 1100 led and traded in the two 315 cmh I was running in the 4x4. also going back to plastic pots from fabric- whole different discussion. This system still runs hot!! Its 800w at the wall with all spectrums running full and...
  2. Show_OFF

    Need advise in setting up a grow tent

    Hello everyone, I'm planning to grow 4 plants in a grow tent "Grow Lab GL80" (size is 2'7" x 2'7"x 5'11"). I have 3 questions for you, colleagues: What pot size should I use to grow 4 plants (2 sativas and 2 hybrids) in the aforesaid grow tent? Should I use 400w or 600w HPS bulb to fully cover...
  3. Show_OFF

    Need advise in setting up a grow tent

    Hello everyone, I'm planning to grow 4 plants in a grow tent "Grow Lab GL80" (size is 2'7" x 2'7"x 5'11"). I have 3 questions for you, colleagues: What pot size should I use to grow 4 plants (2 sativas and 2 hybrids) in the aforesaid grow tent? Should I use 400w or 600w HPS bulb to fully cover...
  4. MrGhettoGrower

    Which Would You use a Tube or Hood?

    I've decided to go big this grow so I finally graduated up to 1000 watter! I was using one 400 watter in veg and two 400 watters in flower. I found this B-Line Mini slightly used for $120 with a 6" air cooled master blaster for $40 and I already had a 6" cool tube. The cool tube has...
  5. W

    Using carbon filters

    I'm trying to find a (somewhat) definitive answer about the air pathways when an air-cooled hood and a carbon filter are both used. I thought, blow the fan over the light, connect the carbon air filter on the exhaust. But if I'm bringing air in from outside the room to cool the lights, it...
  6. I

    Air Cooled Hoods for Temp Control

    Hey guys, I'm looking for people who have experience with having lights without air-cooled hoods AND without them. How big of a difference do air cooled hoods make for overall temperature of the room? Is it nominal or significant?
  7. hondagrower420

    Alien x triangle auto dwc

    Got these free from the vault. Small 6gal dwc with 5 sites. 5 Seeds germin as I type. Lucas formula using gh micro and bloom. Wish me luck.