air stone

  1. TripleCCCannabis

    Do you prefer air stone or sprayers in your systems?

    So I’ve only really tried the sprayers a handful of times but was told air stones would be similar. I’ve heard that the success rate goes down with the air stones but I don’t know from experience.
  2. D

    How long to dechlorinate??

    I have always sat water out in a 1 gallon jug for 24 hrs or more but now that I have 10 gallon pots I need alot more water. So I bought 5 gallon jugs and a air stone/ 10 gal. Air pump. I was trying to figure out how long it takes to dechlorinate that amount of water while using the stone? Any...
  3. Ganjineer

    Oxygen generator vs air stone? Concepts and DIY approaches.

    I got curious about the use of electrolytic oxygen generators from this thread discussing the O2 Grow dissolved oxygen emitters. However, there is little to no unbiased (non-shill) reviews about the product available...