Donald Trump's government has issued a ruling that allows employers to opt out of providing free birth control to millions of Americans.
The rule allows employers and insurers to decline to provide birth control if doing so violates their "religious beliefs" or "moral convictions".
I live in the Country and sure enough every fucking night some prick is tailgating me with his brights up. Usually I slow from 50 ish down to about 20 and theyll get the hint and pass me.
One guy tonite followed me all the way down my street with his high beams on. I paused in the middle of the...
Let's be honest, Mondays suck ass. You probably got less than optimal sleep the prior weekend, and the party/rec time is over. You've got to wake up early, fight traffic, grab something to eat, spend the day with fuckers you wouldn't voluntarily hang with, drink coffee, attend meetings, blah...