
  1. xIPhobiaIx

    Phosphorus, overwatering, or moisture stress?

    Bottom leaves curling up and turning patchy brown/blackish before wilting on falling off. Any help would be appreciated!
  2. Mancman1964

    Newbie here , black orchid carbon filter 4 inch

    Hi guys Help please I have a black orchid 4 inch carbon filter in my grow tent , the induction fan is the correct way round but not alot of air is been expelled , should I remove the white material shroud from the filter as shown in the pic Cheers .
  3. F

    IS THIS DYING? Please help immediately

    Hello, Please someone tell me what to do. I'm beginner in indoor growing and my plants are a month old. I used NPK fertilizer (one teaspoon in a liter of water) and watered my four plants. three of them have started bending down their leaves as well as bending of the stem close to leaves. I...
  4. Ali Bongo

    Black Friday Deals 2020 @ Ali Bongo

    What's up Rollitup, hope everybody is doing well and taking it easy :) It's that time of year again, except this year tackling the nearest person to your left in a desperate bid to grab that last 98" TV or 18 part Toaster is ironically too dangerous, no matter how great the deal. :roll: In...
  5. S

    Is this something I should be worried about

    Seed is royal gorilla. It sprouted yesterday, it’s in double buffered coco with perlite. No nutes. This black dot appeared few hours ago.
  6. L


    Hey all, i'm concerned that my plant is growing some little ballsacks. I'm not sure if they are swollen calyxes or pollen sacks? Some of them are actually growing pistils from them, while others are just splitting open with no pistils. Two of my plants are doing this. I'm really worried.. 2 of...
  7. Azerothlol

    Tiny black spots problem, help. Pics! HELP!

    Hi. Im growing some plants outdoors. Some of my trees are getting unhealthy and theyre starting to get these tiny black/purple spots on them and it's spreading pretty fast. My healthy trees don't have any of it tho. Any idea what this is? I recently found out that my soil has been infested with...
  8. K


    Heys guys this is my first post to rollitup, and ive got a few questions. First off does anyone know wtf these black spots are that are forming on a few of my sugar leaves? They formed since yesterday over the last 24 hours. I check my trichs everyday bc my plants just about finished and id be...
  9. Cheesecakes

    Why are the leaves this colour? Black,pink,purple,yellow and green

    Would like to hear from experience, what has happened to my autoflower?
  10. Dadopeboii

    Dark brown hairs normal?

    all of my plants have developed very dark brown hairs (not orange) which looks odd to me. The immature ones seem to be developing these brown hairs also but still have white hairs. Is this normal or should i be concerned? Could it be caused by a combination of high temps, high humidity, and...
  11. Dadopeboii

    Bud turning black while drying?

    i hung a bud in a shoe box in my closet to dry and in about 2-3 days it has started to turn black. Not sure why this is, but I'm concerned it may be mold. Though i have read that this can be caused be deteriorating choloraphyl, which would make sense because it was trimmed fresh. Has anyone else...
  12. Alec420

    Can't tell if mold or deficiency or toxicity

    some leaves have crust like shapes on the edges with black spots on top. But the bottom of leaf is clean this plant is 9 weeks into flower
  13. MarcMellow

    Leaves Turning Black?

    [/IMG] Hey there, I have been reading posts on this site for about a year and was finally spurred to create an account when my plants had a problem I couldn't identify. My setup was 4 plants being grown in coco, with drip irrigation and Botanicare nutes with an EC of 1.6 and a PH of 5.7. Two...
  14. P

    Help - black spots on leaves

    My plants were just doing fine, recovering from a nitrogen deficiency when I noticed these black spots. In addition, the leaf tips are also turning yellow. First it was only on the lanky one and now its on the healthy one. I was wondering if you guys knew what this was. I did research, and I...