
  1. M

    Judge My Plants

    I have some stretching going on and what I assume is a calcium deficiency? AC Infinity everything in 2x4 tent. Samsung/AC Infinity 280 watt LED light Fox Farms Ocean Floor 1/2 Gallon Pots Dynogrow Grow City water that has been aerated a couple days before water. PH is balanced. originally...
  2. SUPimHINO

    Droopy/burning leaves auto lemon 23 days old

    Hey guys had a problems with my auto lemon 23 days old, it wasn't growing, not drinking water and leaves had burning. The plant looked overwatered drooping... the first runoff of my flush was 1200ppm Just fed with water since seedling so I flushed with 4 gallons of water at ph 6.5 the first...
  3. K

    HELP, cant figure out plant problems

    I noticed a problem 1 week after i switched to flower and concluded it was probably PH problems + nute burn; so i flushed with normal PH'ed water and now the problem is not going away, more spots have started to show up and the leaves are starting to show yellow spots and discoloration. leaves...
  4. Everett42faulty

    Weird burning...please help

    Have this burning going on ph is 6.2in 1 cocos to 1 perlite 1/2 bag of castings soil mix they are a little over 6 weeks into flower on house and garden nuits and im also using co2 and have foilered with epson salts about a week ago and water foilered three days ago temps are good sorry if im...
  5. PsiloGrow

    Vero COB LED Causing Light Stress

    I am seeing signs of light stress on my plant as soon as I put her under my my grow light at about 2 ft away from canopy. I tried using 200W of led but that caused burning necrosis, fading and curling then I disabled two drivers and ran the light at 100W. She has recovered alot since then (about...
  6. R

    Diagnosis Help

    I was wondering if anyone could help me diagnose my current plant issues. I originally believed it to be a pH flux however stabilizing the water and nutrients pH(to pH6-7) did not help said issues. Some info: *Indoor Grow *Watered via lift method(1-2x weekly). Alternating nutrients(Fox Farms...
  7. disengaged

    Vero 29 1100ma ScrOG distance to canopy / tops?

    Ok, never tried screen of green and have question. 100% landrace Ind strain. Never done a pure I, NL is closest. Never tried LED's... haven't grown anything this century with exception of salad greens and basil. 40cm between top of grow bags and screen (thought they were autoflower, but a typo -...