
  1. C

    Cannabis Seeds Store Promotion!

    Stardawg Feminised Cannabis Seeds. DOUBLE SEEDS WITH ALL PACK SIZES BUY A 5 SEED PACK - GET 5 SEEDS FREE BUY A 10 SEED PACK - GET 10 SEEDS FREE BUY A 15 SEED PACK - GET 15 SEEDS FREE Buy today at plus get 3 free heavyweight seeds with the discount code rollituphvy CSS
  2. Team Vault

    Seed Shopping? 12.5% Off All Seeds At The Vault for RIU Members.

    Sent Worldwide. Guaranteed Shipping available. Freebies on All Orders. 12.5% off Use code OG125.
  3. JayBaker Valentines Day - Let's spread the love

    Hello guys and girls! We hope you already made some plans for Valentines Day and in case you didn't, you're welcome for the reminder ;) #ILoveHazeIO You know that history tends to repeat itself and so is this simple but awesome promotion! Which strain do you love the most? Let us know and get...