
  1. Cream/City/Crumble

    Show off your Stealth!!!

    Yes, i know its the most contradictory post title yet, but it sounds cool. Show off your best DIY stealth whether its removable panel to keep your stash, or hinged bookcase to hide your grow. Or any of the cool things you used to avoid the gestapo. Did you find an awesome stash spot just in the...
  2. R


    Hello all - newb here I have recently purchased an older Precision 1lb closed loop extractor and am looking for someone with knowledge to help me set this thing up to get it running - I can send pics of system and am willing to compensate anyone who can help me. please email me at...
  3. OilXGreen

    A New Review and Discount Code

    We recently recieved this review in our email. Been using the system for a few weeks now, and loving it. I’ve cleaned up poorly filtered concentrates, extracted directly from flowers, and even cleaned a few grinders/bowls with the system with awesome results! Reclaiming pentane is probably...
  4. OilXGreen

    Crumble made with OilXGreen

    Hello everyone, Just wanted to show you all the crumble I made. This batch was made using freshly harvested plants. They were literally cut down then processed in about an hour. The OilXGreen system makes it very quick and easy to create top quality concentrates.
  5. ThebullVermont

    RSO for cancer in Bay Area

    I'm in the bay area and my I would like to make RSO. Question: should I use trimmings (relatively inexpensive) or use flower (more costly). Also is there an optimal strain, indicia VS sativa, for cancer? Medical effectiveness is my primary concern, but I still have to balance the realities of...
  6. WidowShamus

    Converting dry herb vaporizer to extract vaporizer

    High everyone, Was wondering if anyone out here could help me out. I recently purchased a kandypen "convection" vaporizer for dry herb. Is there a way to engineer a homemade conversion kit to allow you to smoke concentrates from it? Any inventors out there.
  7. Melisamiller20

    Patients appreciation For Colorado Medicals

    Medical marijuana is a very good medical cure...started believing in the power of medical marijuana from the time it cures my sister who had cancer for over 28 years. We were directed to a marijuana grower who was very kind with us and my greatest joy is that he cured my sister's cancer. After...
  8. canadian1969

    Suckers/lolipops recipe suggestions?

    I have about 15 grams of high test honey oil that I made yesterday and I bought a silicone mold for making lolipops. Thought I would stop by here and ask in case someone already knows the best way to do this. Before I go google some recipes and take my chances. ;-) I have a candy thermometer...
  9. Cannabis Kitty

    Buying thc vape oil Where to purchase, what to look for etc.?

    Hi everyone! Been away from the forum for a bit but I am excited to continue my cannacation. Im planning a special trip to Colorado and want to make the most of my trip! Very interested in sampling and partaking, price/best places to visit is def something I would love info on! Thank you so much️
  10. Palomar

    Tincture tech

    Hey all - made a couple tinctures and had a couple questions. Using 151 Rum and 1 oz decarbed, I used a double boiler and infused. Surprised at how little end product was created when done and filtered. Love to see some links on best practices and how to determine strength. I assume I may...
  11. Palomar

    Rig Suggestions

    Looking for suggestions for a nail rig for concentrates / dabs. Hoping to find a reliable set up that won't break the bank. What's new and noteworthy? So many options - researching now. Could even be convinced in a portable unit if reliable. Thanks. respect, pal
  12. R

    [HELP!] Cheapest Route to Extract?

    Already have a Vac Oven + Vacuum pump. Looking for the cheapest way to start making quality extracts. I don't care about the size. Just need to cheapest route to start it working today, as well as in the right direction. Not shut off to any routes. Looking for any ideas. I have the plant...
  13. S

    Anyone running CO2 oil into distillate?

    I've been having issues keeping my distillate numbers consistent. Recently I started "packing" my distillation head but by doing so requires the temperature of my flask to be higher so the vapor can make its way through the packing. I am using raschig rings at maybe an inch and a half thick. At...
  14. Germama

    New music for people that love to smoke weed

    New music by GERMAMA so gone. Just get stoned an vibe then let me know what u think please.
  15. N

    Forgot to Decarb... Options.

    I currently have a mixture of 7.5 grams of bud with alcohol (ever-clear), but i did not have the means to decarbox the bud. It is now on day 11, what options do I have? I originally intended on straining with cheese cloth, then adding 100% USP Food-Grade vegetable glycerol to put in my oil...
  16. canadian1969

    Sand bath on induction heater?

    Trying to get away from oil baths and wonder if sand would work? heated in a iron flat bottom dish, I am thinking yes, but has anyone tried such a thing? Should be safer and less odorous.
  17. R

    Flaws in my rosin making process?

    CANNABIS: How to make rosin from flower bud? Flaws in this process? I want to make my own dabs from my bud and have never done it before. I looked online for easy ways and this is the method I came up with. Can somebody tell me if theres anything wrong with this process?: Materials: 1. Bud...
  18. Maine HomeGrown

    What ton Rosin Press?

    Is a 20 ton press really worth it for the price over the 10 or 12 ton presses? So I am looking to make the jump up to a pneumatic press from The Nug Runner for bigger applications during busier times like fall harvest/etc. I have been doing research and I am not sure if it is worth it to get a...
  19. eazy100420

    homemade cannabis vape juice

    i made some thc e juice as an experiment for my vape pen and i gotta say, results were pretty good. i got 10ML of the finished product. been puffing on it for about an hour..... tastes great and got a nice body high. i will update you guys soon with the instructions to my method. cheers!
  20. Collect THC

    Huge Dab 14 Gram

    This guy is ether made from asbestos or the video is fake.